In a heart-wrenching incident, a six-year-old Uttar Pradesh girl was found dead in a forested area in Kanpur district on Sunday. As shared by Police on Monday, she was gang-raped, killed and her lungs were then taken out of the corpse by the killers.
The police further added that the lungs were pulled out to perform black magic, believing that it will help a woman give birth to a child.
On the night of Diwali, the six-year-old gone missing from the Ghatampur area. As per ASP (Rural) Brajesh Srivastava,
“The girl had gone missing on the night of Diwali from the Ghatampur area. The killers — Ankul Kuril (20) and Beeran (31) — who were arrested on Sunday, had removed her lungs and delivered those to key conspirator Parshuram Kuril to perform black magic.”
The officer further added:
“Parshuram was arrested on Monday and his wife was also detained due to the apprehension that she knew about the incident but did not talk about it to anyone. Parshuram initially tried to mislead the police. But, after he faced intensive interrogation, he broke down and confessed to his crime.”
While sharing the details of the crime, the officer mentioned:
“Parshuram got married in 1999 but had not had a child so far, he said. He persuaded his nephew, Ankul, and his friend Beeran, to kidnap the girl and remove her lungs.
On Saturday, when the girl had gone out of her home to buy firecrackers, Ankul and Beeran abducted the girl. They took her to a nearby jungle, where they raped the girl before killing her.”
Currently, the accused have been charged under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has taken note of the heinous crime and directed officials to take strict action against the accused. He has also directed the officials to extend a financial help of Rs. 5 lakhs to the victim’s family. The chief minister has said the case would be heard in a fast-track court so that the accused are punished at the earliest.
After seeing the brutality of the treatment that this 6-year-old met, we feel even the death sentence is not enough for these monsters. How long we would let our innocent kids and women becoming prey to these sex-deprived monsters? How long would we stay silent?