In a heartbreaking incident, a Nagpur man brutally thrashed his elderly mother-in-law with a cricket bat. All because he was not happy with her staying at his house. This shocking incident took place in Shreekrushna Nagar, Nagpur on Thursday.
The accused, identified as Dilip Bukne. is a 52-year-old man. As per the reports, Bukne continued to hit his 73-year-old mother-in-law till the cricket bat broke into two pieces.Â

When his wife tried to intervene in the matter, the accused started beating his wife as well. As shared with TOI, the police said Bukne suspected the character of his wife, who is working in a government department.
It was on Thursday, that the accused started objecting to his mother-in-law staying at their home. The accused started the argument with the elderly lady and his wife Varsha.
As the accused started beating the elderly woman, her daughter Varsha threw herself over her mom to save her. Sadly, the elderly woman had gone unconscious after she fell on the ground.
When the cricket bat broke, Bukne didn’t stop. In fact, he rushed outside to look for something else to assault two women. Fortunately, Varsha locked the door from inside and raised an alarm for help.
The mother-daughter was shifted to the hospital for treatment after a neighbor came for their rescue. Though Bukne managed to flee from the spot but was arrested early on Friday.
It is heartbreaking how our rudimentary thought-process takes away the right for daughters to take care of their elderly mothers. This culprit has revealed the ugly face of our society that gets disturbed by the fact that the elderly mother stays with her daughter. Even in the 21st century, many women are still struggling to take care of their elderly parents. While it is the duty of a married woman to take care of in-laws, many husbands still shy away from taking responsibility for their in-laws.
At IFORHER, we hope this mother and daughter would get justice and many daughters would gather the courage to stand against the patriarchal society to take care of their parents. Because, if we don’t, then who will?