This news about Aditya tells us why we should not to lose faith in humanity
Aditya Hegde – A true story of selfless service
Aditya was born with a very rare blood type – HH negative, also known as the Bombay Blood Group. This blood group is found in 1 in 10,000 people in India and in one in a million people in Europe. Anytime someone with HH- blood group is unwell, it’s a tough time for the patient, family, and doctors.
Realizing this early in his life, Aditya decided that he will become a regular blood donor. Since the year 2000, he has donated blood 55 times to tumor patients, cancer patients, and pregnant women, who belonged to Delhi, Hubli, Shivamogga, Pakistan, Malaysia and Sri Lanka.
Aditya remains in constant touch with Sankalp India Foundation, an NGO which connects those in need of blood to donors. This video captures the selfless acts of Aditya Hegde. Hope we have people more like him who come forward and donate blood for the benefit of our society.
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What is Bombay Blood Group?
There’s a master antigen H, which is present in all blood groups. This antigen is needed to generate A, B, AB, and O antigens, which define our blood groups. But when the antigen H is absent from the cell and only its antibody is present in the plasma, it leads to the occurrence of the rare HH blood group.
The HH blood type is a result of extensive inbreeding in close-community marriages which limit the gene pool. It is, therefore, possible that people with the Bombay blood group have common ancestral roots.
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