In a heart-wrenching incident, a 38-year-old father sold his newborn girl baby to a childless couple for Rs.1.8 Lakh. And use the money to buy gold ornaments for the twin baby brother.
On November 8, Yesuirudhayaraj’s wife Pushpalatha gave birth to twins – a boy and girl. Rather, than being happy that he was blessed with healthy kids, Yesuirudhayaraj was unhappy with the birth of another girl, so he decided to sell her, and keep the male child.
Along with three brokers – Selvam, Nellaiappar and Kannan, he conspired to sell the child to another couple in Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu. As per the sources, the childless couple was willing to illegally adopt her by paying Yesuirudhayaraj.
As per the police, an amount of Rs.1,80,000 was decided on by the men. While the father of the newborn took Rs. 1 lakh, the brokers split Rs.80,000 amongst them.
What would break your heart is to know soon after he sold his daughter, the father Yesuirudhayaraj bought a gold chain for the twin brother of the infant he had just exchanged for money.
While sharing the details, the investigation officer shared with TNM:
“His wife Pushpalatha was unaware of this plan. He took the girl on November 18 and gave her away.As soon as he got the money he bought a gold chain for his newborn son and a cellphone for himself. He further retreived a bike and a cycle that he had mortgaged.”
The details surfaced when the government hospital authorities demanded to know where the child was as she had not been brought in for a check-up. The investigation officer further added:
“While Yesuirudhayaraj claims his wife knew what his plan was, she has denied any knowledge. They had a public fight in the hospital and a nurse there informed Childline, leading to action.”
After receiving the complaint, the police arrested the father, the middlemen and the man who actually paid & bought the child. The unfortunate girl has been temporarily handed over to an adoption agency for her safety.
While this father preferred a gold chain and a cell phone over raising her daughter, we wonder if our country deserves daughters. Their son-obsession not only kills thousands of daughters in the womb but also takes away the right to live a dignified life from millions of women.
At IFORHER, we feel it is high time that both men & women raise their voices against the rudimentary thought process to change how our society perceives women. Because our daughters, wives, and mothers deserve a much better society. They deserve a life of respect and equality much more than anyone.