Akshay Kumar’s Samrat Prithviraj was released on 3-Jun. While the movie is about the valiant Rajput King who defeated the Ghurid Army, but was later executed by Mohammad Ghori. Making movies on historical icons is always a risk. Such movies face controversies and protests and have a risk of getting historical facts wrong.
Akshay’s latest movie also faced controversies over the last few days. And now post-release, the film’s multiple scenes have gone viral for all the wrong reasons. From the 26-year old character having white hair on the chest, to him being called Delhipati when the Sultanate of Delhi was not even established at the time; the movie has been called out for its goof-ups.
This viral thread started when a Twitter user listed 10 goof-ups from the movie.
Sam Siddiqui’s review of ‘Samrat Prithviraj’…
— @Reasonyourself (@Reasonyourself) June 3, 2022
“Went to see Samrat Prithviraj today…
1. There were 10 people in the audience including us
2. Prithviraj had white chest hair when he died at the age of 26
3. He was a liberal secular feminist who spoke in Urdu and foresaw a woman emperor in Delhi.
4. He also wore saffron and screamed Har har Mahadev preempting Shivaji by hundreds of years.
5. He was called Delhipati even though the Sultanate of Delhi was yet to be established?— @Reasonyourself (@Reasonyourself) June 3, 2022
6. Samyukta committed jauhar before the practice was born or maybe she created the practice?
— @Reasonyourself (@Reasonyourself) June 3, 2022
7. Prithviraj killed Ghori several years before he actually died.
8. The Ghurids apparently had Roman style colloseums where they strung people up on crosses and fed them to lions
9. Chand Bardai who wrote the poem the movie is based on, died with Prithviraj and still managed to write his poem 200 years later
10. Thankfully the movie is only 1 hour 35 mins. If they had deleted the girl it would have been 45 mins.”— @Reasonyourself (@Reasonyourself) June 3, 2022
Among the 10 goof-ups listed by this user, the one that has everyone in splits is the one about white chest hair. It seems the makers of the movie were in a rush and forgot to do proper editing.
In addition to this, the movie has been called out for casting 54-year-old Akshay Kumar as a 26-year-old Prithviraj. This combined with the age gap between him and the leading lady of the movie, 25-year-old Manushi Chillar; has led to Akshay’s casting being called a mistake.
In another scene, Akshay can be seen tied up – only with a set of extremely loose ropes.
This happens when you try to complete a movie in few days!! https://t.co/IeEzv56WOO
— Prashant Verma (@PrashantVerma34) June 2, 2022
We wonder if a little more attention to detail on the part of movie-makers would have hurt anyone. Did you spot any other goof-ups in the movie? Do let us know in the comments below.