Recently an incident happened that send across a chilling reminder of the Nirbhaya Rape & Murder case. In Uttar Pradesh’s Budaun, a 50-year-old woman was gang-raped and brutally murdered.
As per India Today, in Uttar Pradesh’s Budaun, a 50-year-old woman who was an Anganwadi worker was gang-raped and brutally murdered allegedly by a priest and two others.
On Sunday, the victim went missing but the police ignored the family’s complaint. The police allegedly remained irresponsive even after the accused dumped her body outside her house.
What Happened?
At 6 PM, the victim went to the temple. After which the heart-breaking incident happened. At 11:30 PM, her body was dumped in front of her house. What post-mortem reports revealed the painful details about injuries. It mentioned there were serious injuries to the victim’s private parts, evidence of substantial blood loss, and fracture in a leg and ribs.
But rather than blaming the culprit, a member of the National Commission for Women, Chandramukhi Devi, remarked that the rape wouldn’t have happened if the woman didn’t visit the temple late in the evening. It was reported by Hindustan Times. Chandramukhi Devi, who also visited the victim’s family, said:
“I tell women again and again that they should never go out at odd hours under anyone’s influence. I think if she had not gone out in the evening or was accompanied by any child of the family perhaps this incident could have been avoided. But this was pre-planned as she was called through a phone call. She went out and then returned in such a state,”
The video of her making the ridiculous statements has gone viral. Her comments left many netizens angry as they come forward to express their disappointment.
BIZARRE: NCW member Chandramukhi lectures women on timings of them venturing out, says the Badaun incident wouldn’t have happened had the women not gone out alone in EVENING!
— Prashant Kumar (@scribe_prashant) January 7, 2021
She was sent by NCW to visit the kin of victim in Badaun.
No I don’t..I don’t know how and why the member has said this but women have all the right move on their will whenever and wherever they want to. It’s society and state’s duty to make places safe for women.
— Rekha Sharma (@sharmarekha) January 7, 2021
These are the kind of people who are responsible for such rampant rapes in certain states. Rapists are being made to feel that it’s not their fault. The fault is of the woman who is being raped.
— Aamish (@Aamish1234) January 7, 2021
That’s cool. But the other option in fact a better option would be to keep men chained after certain hours so that women can move around freely and safely at any given time.
— Ved Nayak (@catcheronthesly) January 7, 2021
WTF!!! This truly is nauseating. It’s unthinkable that someone has these kinds of ideas in their their head. She isn’t giving a solution. People like her are exactly the problem.
— VJ (@VJ290481) January 7, 2021
Such a statement coming from a member of NCW is shameful. I’m wondering what she must have told the the family of the victim.
— b.a.n.j.a.r.a (@banjara_trails) January 7, 2021
Women like her are making lives of other women tough. She being the member of NCW is such a disgrace.
Shame on you @NCWIndia remove this member or else face wrath of public. What retarded members you have working for you?? Is this how you are going to save women of this country? SHAME!!
— Sakshi Singh (@SakshiS17856146) January 8, 2021
Making the women like her NCW member is very shameful!
Instead of speaking against the criminal she is justifying the heinous crime!
She should be fired along with the person who appointed her at this post otherwise there is no hope left for women in NCW which is for women !— pawan yadav (@pawanyadav8) January 7, 2021
CW: cis het men, violence
— Edgar Allan Poeha (@vaniIlaessence) January 8, 2021
The frustrating part is you can’t even counter this by saying hey impose these curfews on the MEN, why don’t you because can you imagine the escalation in domestic violence that would lead to?
After facing such a nationwide backlash, Chandramukhi Devi shared a video wherein she addressed the issue. However, she still did not apologize for her words.
And after widespread condemnation, she takes her words back. DOESN’T apologise though!
— Prashant Kumar (@scribe_prashant) January 7, 2021
It is heartbreaking how even in the 21st century, our own representatives are blaming women for getting raped. It is sad how rather than shaming the culprits, our society still raises fingers at the victims!