In a Facebook live video of Quaden Bayles, a nine-year-old Australian boy has broken many hearts across the internet.
NOTE: This article contains content that some readers might find disturbing. Please read with discretion.
As per the reports by News18, a video of a 9-year-old boy having an emotional breakdown inside a car after getting bullied in school has widely gone viral on the internet. The video has been recorded by his mother who shared it on social media to show others the kind of effect bullying has on kids.
In the video, the boy cries inconsolably and keeps on saying things like,
“I want someone to kill me.”
As he sits and cries out of an open car door:
“Give me a knife.”
The mother revealed that the boy suffers from dwarfism, a reason for which he gets bullied in school continuously.
According to a report by Mail Online, the mother caught his son being bullied by another student. The student kept patting the boy on his head like he was a “puppy” and called him “midget”.
At the beginning of the 7-minute long video, the mother, Yarraka Bayles, says,
“I just picked my son up from school, witnessed a bullying episode, rang the principal and I want people to know this is the effect bullying has. This is what bullying does. This is the impact bullying has on a nine-year-old kid who just wants to go to school, get an education and have fun but every single fricking day something happens.”
She continues:
“So can you please educate your children, your families, your friends because all it takes is one more instance…and you wonder why kids are killing themselves.”
She also said she normally prefers to keep such episodes private but this was the last straw:
“We try to be as strong as positive as possible and only share the highlights… but this is how bullying affects a nine-year-old kid.”
At IFORHER, we are heartbroken wondering what kind of world our kids living in. It is sad that children don’t realize the kind of effect their words and behavior have on other kids.
What our kids may perceive as funny and entertaining might have dangerous effects on other kids. Their prank might end up scarring another kid for life without them even knowing it. According to a study done by The Independent, 1 out of every 5 kids contemplates suicide after getting bullied at school. Many end up with mental health issues.
We request every parent to make their kids aware of bullying and its side effects so that no kid has to ever feel what this 9-year-old boy went through!