In a heartbreaking incident, a video of a man thrashing an elderly woman in UP’s Ghaziabad has gone viral on social media. But what shocked many netizens is the fact that even though there were so many people present at the location, none of them came to rescue her.
As per the reports, the woman allegedly objected to the lewd comments that man aimed at her daughter. Post which, the man started beating her in full public view. In the heartbreaking video, the man could be seen beating the women in front of 8-10 people.
An elderly woman was brutally assaulted in Kavi Nagar area of #Ghaziabad after she raised her voice against the eve teasing of her daughter by the same man.
— Saurabh Trivedi (@saurabh3vedi) September 15, 2020
The man picks up a chair and hits the woman twice. But, no one dared to raise their voice or stop the man from beating her. While the bystanders become mere spectators to the incident, none of them even bothered to lend a helping hand to the woman who by the end of the video was lying unconscious on the road.
The video left netizens angered and heartbroken. This is shocking as people are silently watching the whole incident. This video is just a reminder of what kind of society we live in.
What’s happening to humanity? ????
— Reshmi Rema (@Reshmi_Na1r) September 15, 2020
Dead society, people were watching those women are watching, workers were silently watching nobody did anything. Wake up people wake up otherwise you are next.
— Bae Rose Gaar (@theindguy) September 15, 2020
Hope she is fine.#thoo
We just stand and watch
— Gourab Banerjee (@GourabB12113) September 15, 2020
Whatever is happening to this country and it’s people……is a result of this
— Geetu.????❤ (@_lol_life) September 15, 2020
What is horrible is , People are watching from distance and no body doing anything to protect her
— Nikhil_Indian (@NikhilIndian5) September 15, 2020
Silently gaping at such crimes should also qualify as a crime.
— କୁମାରିକା ❤ Kumarika (@kumariika) September 15, 2020
The criminals know onlookers will never unite to stop the crime so they dare to commit such things.
Why is d Indian public full of cowards?
— Banisha????????????ॐ (@visaradah) September 15, 2020
Nobody rushed to save her!
What’s d difference now betw being attacked late at night or in broad daylight?#shame
Only after the video went viral, the local police initiated the investigation and filed an FIR against the accused.
However as per the UP Police tweet, the complainant didn’t mention any eve-teasing incident. In her complaint, the woman only mentioned that she was thrashed by local youth.
वादी द्वारा लिखायी गयी FIR में छेडखानी का जिक्र नहीं है सिर्फ मारपीट का जिक्र है अभियुक्त को गिरफ्तार कर वैधानिक कार्रवाई की जा रही है
— GHAZIABAD POLICE (@ghaziabadpolice) September 15, 2020
Though the man has been arrested, this video breaks your heart as it exposes the ugly reality of our society. Have we become so inhumane and selfish that the ill-treatment to others doesn’t bother us.
At IFORHER, we pray for this woman’s speedy recovery and hope she and her daughter would soon get justice. We also hope that this video acts as a lesson for others to not shut their eyes and ears to the victims, rather stand for them.