My sweetheart,
As I write this letter to you, you are still snugged in my womb, sleeping. Maybe playing in your small temporary home, blissfully unknown of the huge world that awaits your arrival.
As you grow little by little within me, I spend my time thinking of all the qualities that you will have as you grow up. God sent us all into this magnificent world with a purpose. You too have a bigger purpose to achieve in this world. I am only a channel, a route, maybe a platform for you to build your dreams and aspirations. You can be what you want to be, you can do what you want to do. As a mother, I will only ascertain that you get the best and you absorb the best around you. As a mother, I would like you to inherit the best I’ve learnt and experienced.
And, hence I am writing this letter to share the 5 best things that I’ve learnt so far about life. It might help you to chose your path more wisely when the clouds of doubts will cover you.
1. Be a dreamer
Don’t be afraid to dream. Dream BIG and chase them till you turn them into reality. Try to be like the ocean. Impatient and in an unrest to reach new shores, but calm and composed deep within.
2. Fail, fall & stand tall
Success is an understated word in this world’s dictionary. For some, it means a lot of money, for others, it means a lot of fame. But, as I see the world through my eyes, for most people, the word “success” has ended up becoming a hollow world where you constantly try to be superior to others. More money, bigger house, latest cars, expensive gadgets and branded clothes. I can’t even imagine what this world will turn into by the time you grow up. But, when it is time for you to define “success” choose your goals carefully so that when you grow old and you look back, you will feel satisfied with your achievements. And while you strive towards success, don’t be disheartened if you fall down a couple of times. These falls will eventually make you stronger – mentally, physically and emotionally to strike away every blow with all your strength and still stand strong.
3. Learn to give back
People love to receive. I am sure, as you grow up, you will receive many things from this world. But, also learn to give. Because that is the law of nature. A flower takes its nourishment from the soil and gives back fragrance and beauty. A honeybee takes nectar from the same flower and gives back honey. Feel the joy in giving back.
4. Don’t be a rat
As you grow, you will be forcefully dragged into a race of life called competition. Everyone is striving to be the best. At school, there is a war to claim the first position. People lose out on opportunities due to 0.01% difference. Entrance exams, aptitude tests, competitive exams, everyone wants to get 100% marks. Once out of college, students crave for big fat job packages!! And once in a job, there is no end to craving for more. So, don’t be a rat!
But, be like a sponge
As you learn from your mistakes and from things happening around you, remember that every individual who crosses your path has a specific role to play in your life. Every person has good and bad characteristics. Try to learn from every individual you meet. Be like a sponge. Identify, absorb and practice the good qualities from everyone. That will make you a complete human being.
Respect everyone around you. God has not made anyone better or worse, rich or poor. Everyone enters the world with equal capabilities. What you make of yourself is what you become. If you treat others as inferior, you too will be treated the same by someone else. Treat everyone with equal respect and you will certainly get back the same.
5. Find Love & Passion
Always remember, Studies, Work, Career, Money – they are all stepping stones of life. While they are all important, don’t lose yourself in achieving them. Try to find your real calling – a passion, an interest that defines you. This calling can be music, dance, sports, maybe poetry, photography, cooking or painting, anything. If you keep it alive in you, it will keep you company in your tough times and provide you with solace.
I am sure, once you are here, the world will teach you many more lessons as you grow up. But as a mother, I would only want to see you grow as a “good human being”. May you achieve all your dreams. Spread love and receive much more in return.
May you always be blessed with a clear conscience, determination, fair judgment, and confidence!
Eagerly waiting,
Your Mom!
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