Happy Daughter’s Day 2020!
When is it celebrated?
It is a blessing to be the parent of a daughter. In order to mark this special relationship, Daughter’s Day is celebrated. It is a day dedicated to our daughters. Though many countries celebrate the day on different days, in India it is celebrated on the last Sunday of September. This year, daughter’s day is being celebrated on September 27.
Now, it brings us to our next important question.
Why is Daughter’s Day celebrated?
Though for many parents all kids are equally important, regardless of gender. They love everyone equally. Then why do we specifically celebrate Daughter’s Day? Here is the specific reason:
Initially, the day was marked to get rid of the stigma attached to having a girl-child. But with changing times, most countries today think of it as a day to celebrate everything that our daughters bring to our lives.
Sadly in developing countries like ours where patriarchy is deeply rooted, it becomes all the more important to celebrate this day to acknowledge the regressive custom that gives more importance to sons over daughters, men over women.
In a country where many girls are still killed in the wombs, it is important to convey the message that daughters are worthy of being celebrated. This day helps us raise a voice against everything that hinders the progress of the girl child.
Though every day is special when it comes to celebrating our kids, this is the day when most parents make their daughters feel extra loved and extra special.
How to celebrate Daughter’s Day?
On this day many parents indulge in different activities with their daughters. Many celebrate this special day through small gestures. Like cooking their favorite meals, buying them their favorite books, watching favorite movies together. baking their favorite cake, or spending time doing things that they enjoy. Some also celebrate by opening up to each other to share their feelings and fears. Basically, parents celebrate this day to connect with their daughters better.
Sadly this year, because of coronavirus, the celebrations may be low-key around the world. But still, parents can make this day special for their daughters, by showing them their love and affection.
Happy Daughter’s Day to you and to your daughter!