In modern times, when we are too busy to live a fast-paced life, IFORHER is determined to help you and your family with the resources and information that would help in leading a healthy life.
That’s why, we bring to you the health benefits of Munnaka, that many are not aware of.
Dried fruits and nuts are very versatile.
Be it cookies, shakes, sweets, hot beverages or summer coolers, dried fruits, and nuts are consumed in many ways. One such dried fruit is Munnaka. Our grandparents or parents have told us to have soaked Munnaka daily. But, not many people are fond of it because of its odd shape and appearance.
Here’s our attempt to make you focus on its health benefits.
Munnaka has been really popular for its nutritional value. It was primarily used for making ayurvedic medicinal concoctions or medicated alcohol. Munnaka has Indian origin and is full of nutrients and antioxidants that help in maintaining good health.
What is Munnaka?Â
Munnaka is basically dehydrated grapes. It is mainly grown in Mediterranean regions and preferred to be eaten raw.
Its water content is removed through different drying processes. It is used in ayurvedic medicines to cure many chronic illnesses. It has a natural sweetness and is cooling in nature. It contains a high amount of glucose and sugar.
What Are Benefits Of Having Munnaka Everyday?
It has a high number of health benefits that you must know. Some of them are:
1: Control acidity
Due to its cooling property, Munnaka cures acidity. It is rich in fiber which improves digestion and it also manages constipation with the help of its laxative property.
It controls the excessive production of acid in the stomach which reduces the symptoms of acidity. Munnaka soaked in water overnight and the water it was soaked in, both can be used to get rid of acidity.
2: Reduces belly fat
Munnaka is one of the secret ingredients that help in weight loss. It increases the metabolic rate and improves digestion. It is also a good source of energy that helps in easy burning of extra fat. It reduces the chances of obesity and even improves the size of
one’s waist.
3: Rich source of calcium
Obese people are more likely to break their bones so Munnaka can be the cure for both, the obesity as well as for the bone-related problems. Munnaka is a rich source of calcium and it has a high amount of micronutrient boron which aids the quick absorption of calcium.
It is good for our bones, teeth as well as gums. It minimizes the risk of bone diseases. It consists of oleanolic acid which is a remedy for tooth decay as well. Everyone should have 5-7 Munnaka daily to protect themselves from tooth decay.
4: Boosts energy
Munnaka provides instant energy. It is impressively rich in vitamins such as Vitamin C & Vitamin K, and minerals such as iron, copper, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.
It also provides antioxidants to our bodies. Also, it is rich in glucose, which leads to an easy break down of sugar and provides instant energy.
5: Helps in weight gain
Surprisingly, Munnaka can help with weight gain as well as weight loss. It is a rich source of iron, natural sugar, and glucose. Nutritionists suggest to have 5-7 Munnaka daily with milk, which can lead to an increase in weight.
6: Prevents cancer
Munnaka consists of ‘catechin’, which is an invaluable antioxidant and ‘kaempferol’, a flavonoid that decreases the growth of cancerous colon tumors. It is suggested by the experts to have 5-7 soaked Munnaka daily and you will be far far away from the risk of cancer.
7: Enhances mood
Munnaka is rich in potassium which reduces the tension in blood vessels. It helps in maintaining blood pressure due to its antioxidant property. It reduces hypertension and leads to a change in mood.
8: Treatment for dry cough
Munnaka can cure dry cough as it reduces irritation in the throat. Munnaka is effective in the management of dry cough. To get
immediate relief you can take Munnaka with black pepper and dates.
9: Controls aging
The antioxidants in Munnaka fight against the free radicals and prevent cell damage. It is very effective in preventing the skin from wrinkles, roughness and it also controls aging.
It also has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties which reduces inflammation of the skin and prevents it from any bacterial infection.
10: Get rid of bad breath
Munnaka controls the bacterial growth between the teeth and around the gums which helps in getting rid of bad breath. It also cures constipation which is also a reason for bad breath.
It is advisable to soak 8-10 Munnaka with 4-5 blackberry and boil it in a glass of water. Gargle with it 3-4 times a day.
Because of the above-mentioned health benefits of Munnaka, it is very important to include it in our daily diet. These small wonders will help you get rid of most of the problems and lead a healthy and happy life.