Fighting cancer is never easy. But, when you are supported by a loving and caring family, the struggle is a bit less painful and difficult. While there are millions of people struggling with cancer, there are few who are blessed to be surrounded by people who give them the strength and courage to fight this deadly disease. Here’s an inspiring story of one little angel, who gave strength to her grandmother to fight for her life.
While shedding the light on how her mother’s cancer diagnosis left her helpless a couple of years back, the mother of (then) 4-YO mentioned to HoB:
“My mother was diagnosed with Stage 4 T-Cell Lymphoma one year ago. She’s always been my pillar, she taught me how to be a mom, and she’s been the best grandmother to Ishaanvi. When I heard the news for the first time, I felt helpless–my mother physically and mentally broke down. It’s the first time I saw any sign of weakness from an otherwise invincible woman.
Further adding how her daughter helped to cheer her grandmother on her darkest days, the mother mentioned:
But the stars were watching us, and my 4 year old came to our rescue. Not only was she my own source of light, but she made her grandmother bloom through the darkest of days. She would even go far enough to try to feed her and give endless cuddles.
But when mom started to lose her hair, the cancer became more real for me. Whenever the doorbell rang, she would run to go get her wig– succumbing to the shame attached to women being bald. Regardless, Ishaanvi kept on trying to convince us that being bald could be a trendy choice–it didn’t have to be associated with a sickness. To prove it to us, she made the decision to shave off her hair–on her own!
While recalling how at such a young age, her daughter knew how to comfort her struggling grandmother, she further added:
Even at the age of 4, she didn’t care what her friends would think of her. She just wanted to show her Nani how ‘cool’ it was, and that she wasn’t in this alone.
It’s become their tradition now–Ishaanvi and my mom are partners in hairless crime. Every day they discuss the growth of a new strand, and what color it is. Together, they portray so much confidence, it’s mind blowing. Neither one is ever affected by onlookers.
She ends her inspiring story with a very powerful thought:
My daughter made me question all the stigmas–Why are the courageous ones, those who are fighting for their lives, so embarrassed by the loss of their hair? Stand proud and show it off. It’s a battle scar and a badge of honor that was earned! My 4 year old has shown me that, I hope others can see it too.”
At IFORHER, we are in awe of this young inspiring soul. It is heart-touching how at such a young age, this little girl knew how to comfort someone though such a grand gesture.
As we celebrate her courage, we hope many more would seek inspiration from this young soul and support people battling for their lives.