As Delhi along with almost entire North India is struggling with extreme air pollution, many of us are terrified for our kids and families. Here’s a list of 8 house plants that can help you fight the Delhi air pollution, inside your home.
As we are aware, breathing in polluted air can lead to not only a higher risk of heart but also lung diseases. With the high pollution level in cities, many of us prefer to stay indoors. But, how many of us take steps to keep the air inside our homes fresher and healthy.
While some of us use air purifiers, good old natural plants can also help us make the air breathable. These 8 house plants act as natural air purifiers.
#1: Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema)
The Chinese Evergreen plant is one of the easiest indoor house plants to grow. They can grow in any conditions but grow very well in medium to low light conditions with well-drained soil. The plant helps in removing formaldehyde and xylene from the air, which makes it cleaner and healthier. If you want the plant to grow well, it is recommended that you fertilise your Chinese Evergreen plants twice a year.
#2: Peace Lily
Peace Lily, a beautiful evergreen plant, is a great plant that removes toxins like formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene. By watering it once a week, Peace Lily improves indoor air quality by at least 60 percent. And, it could also absorb harmful vapors from alcohol and acetone.
#3: Snake Plants or Mother-In-Law’s Tongue
Snake Plant with minimal maintenance could reap a lot of benefits. It removes formaldehyde from the air and emits oxygen even during the night. This plant reduces airborne allergies. Occasional watering and dry climatic conditions with some sun are best for its proper growth.
#4: Spider Plants
Spider Plants thrive in indirect sunlight and survive in just about any condition. It removes toxins like formaldehyde and xylene from the air and hence, leads to healthier and cleaner air.
#5: Bamboo Palm or Butterfly Palm, Areca PalmÂ
Areca Palm filters acetone, toluene, and xylene from indoor air and provides fresh air to breathe. These harmful toxins cause respiratory tract diseases and developmental problems in the foetus. Hence, Areca Palm not only keeps our lungs healthy but also strengthens the central nervous system. It makes a good humidifier and hence, it is well-suited for homes where people have breathing troubles.
#6: Aloe Vera
A healing aloe vera plant is a lovely addition to your kitchen windowsill, as it loves a sunny spot. While being on hand to soothe any kitchen burns, this succulent will be purifying the air of formaldehyde and benzene, found in varnishes, floor finishes, and detergents.
#7: Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata v. Bostoniesis)
The Boston Fern thrives in humid environments and requires consistent moisture. They help in removing formaldehyde and xylene from the air and hence, lead to better quality air inside our homes.
#8: Rubber Plants (Ficus elastic)
A very hardy plant that loves bright, filtered light and weekly watering in summer and fortnightly watering in winter. Rubber plants can grow in a small pot or be encouraged to grow into a large indoor tree in pots or straight in the ground. They help in removing xylene, benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene from the air and hence, lead to better quality air inside our homes.