In 2014, overĀ 20,000 Indian housewives reportedly took their lives. And, as per the study, 37% of woman who committed suicide across the world in 2016 were from India. And most of them under 40. The study also revealed another shocking fact.
The suicide death rate for women in India is double that of the global suicide rate for women. And, married women accounted for the high proportion of suicide deaths in India.
Far too many Indian women struggle daily with depression for multiple reasons, yet, it is little discussed. And, one of the major reasons behind this is the taboo associated with discussing mental health openly.
We came across a Reddit thread where people shared what was that one thing that stopped them from taking that last step of ending their lives.
And, we felt it is beautiful because it depicted how not the materialistic things but relationships with the family, pets, and strangers held their hands in the tough moments.