Dear You (Who Has Been Braver Than She Thought She Could Be),
Having a bad day?
Is it one of those days when it feels your LIFE is shattering to thin pieces?
Is it a day when you feel like a loser – someone who hasn’t achieved anything great in life, but your friends and family are full of achievers?
If yes, then I exacty know how lonely you feel today.
Like you, I do struggle with negative thoughts aswell.
Does the power of negative thoughts amaze you, like it does me?
I am amazed how a perfectly good day could be instantly turned into a negative horrible day, with just one negative thought. And, then it doesn’t matter how much you try, it is hard to go back to being positive.
Whereas, it is very difficult to turn a bad day into a good one even with a bunch of positive thoughts.
I always wonder why it is so damn easy to think negative.
You don’t have to put a cinch of effort to think negatively.
Nobody wants negative thoughts to win, but sadly, they always do.
Negative thoughts are like a snowball – they just keep getting bigger and bigger – making you feel even worse every passing minute.
The days when you want to shine like a bright sun.
But, you find yourself covered into the dark clouds of the negative thoughts.
And, a moment later you find yourself drowned into the endless pit of darkness.
The negative thoughts are annoying! Aren’t they?
They come even when you don’t want them to come.
They don’t care if you are having a great day or bad day.
And, they always act like those uninvited relatives, who keep coming back, just to make you feel less. They refuse to go back even when you want them to leave.
But remember…
Don’t let those negative thoughts win over you!
Promise yourself that you will fight like a true warrior!
Let’s gather courage to stand up to our negative thoughts!
Let’s find strength to turn our negative mood into a positive mood!
We might fail multiple times, but we will find courage to get back up every single time to fight against negative thoughts.
Because why should the negative thoughts win?
Why can’t the positive thoughts win?
I am tired of my negative thoughts overpowering and controlling my life.
I want to free myself from this burden and life live fully. Hope you want it too!
A Fighter Against Negative Thoughts
P.S. Don’t waste your time judging me or my struggle with negative thoughts! I hardly care about your opinions. What I care about is you winning over your own negative thoughts!