As a parent, we try hard to teach our kids to do selfless acts. But, when kids do stand for right and selfless acts, sadly, some parents find their courage and decision unacceptable.
And, the story of Manjot Singh Kohli makes us feel happy and sad about this 23-year-old at the same time.
When we heard the story of Manjot Singh Kohli, a 23-year-old Sikh girl from Jammu we were beaming with pride. In case you are wondering why, we would be excited to inform you that in a time when our politicians are trying hard to win the election based on religion divide, this girl has shown the country what True Indian looks like.
She has offered to donate a kidney to her Muslim friend Samreen, who is suffering from a kidney disease and requires an immediate transplant to live.
But this selfless act was not acceptable to Manjot’s parents.
Despite completing the formalities, the authorization committee has not cleared the case since Manjot’s father has made a representation cautioning against kidney transplant.
When asked out her parents’ disapproval of her actions, Manjot told DNA:
“We can’t blame them (family). They are emotionally attached to their kid. I cannot say they are wrong. From their point of view what they are doing is right. But I think rising above the emotions, we should do what God has sent us for. All the relations will stay here and saving life is most important. Plus I am a major and I can take decisions of my own.”
Manjot told The Telegraph,
“I’m not scared of anything. My only concern is that humanity should not lose out. My family has got swayed by emotion… but I shall go ahead anyway.”
Samreen who is undergoing regular dialysis at the hospital has no doubts about how true and great friend Manjot is and she has shown full gratitude to her friend for the efforts to rescue her life. She also mentioned that Manjot can any do anything for her.
But, Manjot’s father has a different viewpoint about her daughter’s plan to donate her kidney. He has asked her daughter to reconsider the decision as there is nobody to look after him.
Her father, Gurdeep Singh Kohli told Mirror News:
“With folded hands, I am requesting my daughter to abandon the plan to relieve me of the trouble as you are aware of my medical condition and there is nobody to look after me.”
Though we are no one to judge who is right or wrong, but we definitely are very proud of Manjot’s decision to support the life of other individuals irrespective of her own problems.
But, it does leave us with a question – Whether the great mantra that our society tries to teach us from a young age – “Sharing is Caring” is a sham or we actually want to raise daughters like Manjot – who teach us the lesson of selfless love for mankind.
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