Qamar Gul, a teenager, who lives in Kabul, Afghanistan has been recently applauded as a REAL HERO across the world. At a very young age, this braveheart stood up to the murderer of her parents and avenged their death. Her inspiring story is a reflection of what true courage looks like.
Qamar Gul gunned down 2 Taliban terrorists who killed both her parents. The braveheart is assumed to be between 14-16 years of age.
As per Mirror UK, the terrorists forcibly entered her house as they were looking for her father. Her father was the Chief of Griwa Village and a government supporter. When her mother resisted the attack on her husband, the terrorist dragged both of them out of the home and shot them dead while injuring several others.
Looking at the injustice done to her family, this teenage girl, without wasting any more time, decided to retaliate.
In retaliation, she picked up an AK-47 rifle and killed the two terrorists. She did it within minutes of seeing her 3 family members being killed. She even went on to wound several other militants in the Ghor province.
Post the attack, more terrorists came to attack her home. But, the villagers and the pro-government militia beat and chased them away. By now, this brave daughter and her younger brother have been thankfully relocated to a safer place.
At IFORHER, we are in awe of Qamar Gul’s courage and hope many more would seek inspiration from her to stand for themselves. We wish her luck for her future endeavors and wish she will make us proud again.