Though life has been unkind to the 27-year-old Shruchi Vadaliya, this brave woman is ensuring that she makes her life counted in the most selfless manner. Some time ago, Shruchi was diagnosed with a brain tumor, which is now in its final stages. Despite such a deadly verdict, she refused to let her fears hijack her left-over days. She is not only living her life gracefully but is also working on the path to save many more lives from meeting a similar fate.
In spite of living with a terrible illness, Shruchi has started a campaign to save the environment. She realized that many lives could be saved if more trees are planted. Since then, she has planted over 30,000 trees to tackle the issue of air pollution in the country. As per sources, she says that she may die but she wants to live on in the breaths of the people.
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While sharing how contaminated air is one of the major reasons that people are easily developing terminal diseases, Shruchi shared with News18:
“I may die soon but I want to live on in the breaths of the people by planting more trees. I do not have enough time to live my life and fulfill dreams but I do not want others to face the same. Therefore, plants should be planted which will improve the air quality and prevent cancer.”
In the last two years, she has planted thousands of trees and encouraged others to do the same.
She shared with the sources that the chances of people developing such dangerous diseases will be greatly reduced if we breathe fresh air. Shruchi insists that it is pollution that got her sick and as a preventive measure to help others she is on a spree to plant more and more trees. It’s not only Shruchi but also some research studies that shared the link between air pollution and brain cancer.
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When Shruchi initiated this campaign, she wrote an open letter to the city. While sharing her condition and feelings, Shruchi said,
“I do not know how much time I have left in this life. The condition I suffer from started when I was talking to a friend and suddenly fainted. I was taken to the hospital and after examination, the doctor said that I had a brain tumor. I felt as if the doctors were joking with me. I could not believe the doctor was saying that. Thereafter I got examined by a string of 25 doctors. Everyone said that I had got a brain tumor. The next day I was wheeled out of the ICU and it was then that I became conscious of life. I have many dreams in my life but before I could tell anyone about my dream, my life was reduced. I was hurting in both my heart and my mind.”
At IFORHER, we are in awe of Shruchi’s strength as she is not only battling against her brain tumor but also striving hard to save the lives of others. All this so that they don’t have to die without getting a chance to fulfill their dreams!