In a world, where people hardly lend a helping hand, the gesture of this flight attendant will melt your heart.
During a Tuesday flight, an Airlines flight attendant Patrisha Organo, 24, went above and beyond the line of duty. As shared with Yahoo Lifestyle, Organo, who has a 1-year-old child, heard a baby crying from the cabin during the trip.
“You know the difference between a cry of hunger, a cry of sleepiness, or a cry of something else,”
Organo walked down the aisle to the crying baby and asked the mom if she needed assistance. The devastated mother told Organo that she had run out of formula and was unable to feed her child.
After listening to the desperate mother, Organo felt the need to help the mother.
Organo recalls the incident in her Facebook post:
“Passengers started looking and staring at the tiny, fragile crying infant… There’s no formula milk onboard. I thought to myself, there’s only one thing I could offer and that’s my own milk.”
She added further:
“Ms. Sheryl Villaflor, Line Administator on my flight, immediately assisted the mother to the galley where I breastfed the baby. The baby started rooting, she was so hungry. I saw the relief on her mother’s eyes. Also, I continued to feed the baby until she fell asleep. I escorted her back to her seat and just before I left, the mother sincerely thanked me.”
On her early breastfeeding journey, she shared:
“In my early days of breastfeeding, I would really like to give up, but because I have the strong support of my husband, I kept going. He kept encouraging me. It was a storm of emotion and without my husband’s support, I could never do it.”
Organo’s sweet gesture has earned her positive responses on Facebook. Many have called her “sweet” and “an angel.”
“I absolutely love this, I’ve often dreamed of being able to help out with my milk to another mother in need ❤ your a hero,”
At I For Her, we believe in celebrating more and more stories of a woman helping another woman in the need of the hour. Organo has given us an example of how the world would look like if women start supporting other women.
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