As the country is grappling with the 21-day emergency lockdown due to the CORONAVIRUS pandemic, one community that is leading us from the front is our medical community.

During these testing times, brave & selfless doctors & nurses putting their own lives at risk to save us from this deadly disease. In the midst of the panic and boredom in self-isolation, it is high time that we applaud the dedication shown by our doctors, nurses and their families across the country right now.
Reminding us how courageous our doctors and nurses are, Prasad Kajarekar from Borivali, Mumbai, shared a heart-warming post. His mother is a senior nurse at a local government hospital, that is currently operating as one of the crucial quarantine facilities in the worst-affected state of India.
In order to applaud his mother’s determination and selfless sacrifice, this proud son took to social media to remind society of the importance of empathy and compassion in these times of crisis.
In a heartwarming post, while saluting his mother’s gritty spirit, Prasad mentioned:
“There are many professions who step up in every situation of national emergency. But we fail to realise and appreciate these people who give everything.
Two days back we were casually sitting and having our dinner when my mom, who is a Nurse by profession (since last 30 years) casually said that she would be probably staying in hospital as long as required since her hospital is being prepared for a quarantine facility.
I told her out of concern and looking at her age, to take leave and stay at home. Her reply made me realise how determined people of these professions are.
She said,
“If not us during the time of national emergency then who? We signed up for this years ago so that during such a situation we will be ready to serve. No matter what.”
I was very proud of her and her selfless outlook and every profession who is serving people in such times.
I always believed in the fact that, if you do your work right everything will fall in place. Let’s support our country, world and our society by doing our work diligently and with integrity because these are the times that will define us for years to come.”
This post left many of us emotional and heartbroken. While these brave souls are putting their lives at risk, it is heart-wrenching to see how some people are not following the lockdown orders and roaming across the streets.
Also Read: 22-YO Tests Coronavirus Positive; Tweets All Her Symptoms From Day 1 To Day 10 To Spread Awareness
At IFORHER, we salute these warriors and their families, who are fighting this deadly virus on our behalf. We request each one of our readers to follow the lockdown and stay at home. And, if you are stepping outside your home during the lockdown, remember you’re no less than a murderer.
Stay Home, Stay Safe.