Being a woman isn’t easy. From facing judgmental eyes to uncomfortable noisy questions, the life of a strong and independent woman isn’t easy in our patriarchal society. “When are you getting married?” “When are you having kids?” “Will you work after marriage?”
At every step of our lives, we have to handle unsolicited advice or judgments thrown at us. Well, here’s what we’d like to say to all those aunties and uncles to back off. Here are some of the perfect comebacks that we want to tell the judgmental society for their uncomfortable noisy questions and regressive opinions:
1. Will You Work After Marriage?
2. How Come You Put On So Much Weight?
3. You Are Angry! Are You On Periods?
4. Why Don’t You Want Kids?
5. Why Didn’t You Change Your Surname?
6. Why Do You Have So Many Guy Friends?
7. Woman’s Place Is In Kitchen
8. You Need To Lose Weight To Find A Man
9. Are You PMSing?
10. Stop Answering Back
11. You Are A Woman! Stop Complaining!
12. You Are Not A Good Wife, Daughter Or Mother
Don’t let society’s nosy and problematic attitude dull your shine. Embrace your strength and confidence, armed with these perfect comebacks. And remember, you’re not alone in this journey to challenge outdated norms and expectations. Share your own sassy replies and comebacks with friends and fellow warriors. Together, we can pave the way for a more inclusive, accepting, and empowered society where every woman is free to be herself without judgment or interference.