Even though we are living in the 21st century, men are struggling to view women as equal partners. Raised in a patriarchal society, our men are consistently made to believe that they hold a higher position than women. They are conditioned to believe that power resides in them. And, their manliness is defined by how they control the people around them especially, women!
In today’s times, when women are refusing to be treated like a doormat; our men are struggling to handle them. Even women’s genuine demands are hurting our men’s fragile and shallow egos.
But, before you read any further, here is a much-needed disclaimer – If you are blessed to be with a man, who treats you as equal partners or if you are a man who believes in equality, then you may not be able to relate to this article. But, even if you can’t – this is the ugly reality of our patriarchal mindset that most women witness during our daily lives. So, if it isn’t your reality that doesn’t mean it is not true for some or a even a lot of us.
If you are a strong and independent woman, then here are 8 ways you may hurt male shallow, delicate, fat ego:
1. When You Demand Equality
Men derive their ego by the perceived superiority of their gender over women. The mere fact of being born as a male becomes the primary parameter for considering themselves better than women. And, hence when a woman demands equality and asks men to accept both genders as equals, the male ego gets shattered and crushed!
2. When You Speak Up Your Mind
Women speaking up their mind is just not acceptable to our sensitive men’s inflated ego. A woman speaking up her mind, more often than not, challenges the authority and dominance of men.
So, if you are one of those who often speak up your mind, then you might be hurting many males’ egos. These men are used to seeing women as the meek, mindless and voiceless creatures with no opinions of their own!
3. When You Refuse To Be Abla Naari; When You Don’t Depend On Prince Charming To Save You! Rather Fight Your Own Battles Like A Hero!
Oh, your bravery can also hurt their delicate egos! Your courage to stand for yourself against their toxic behaviours often scares our week men with fragile egos. Unable to control a strong woman, these sensitive males often shame the woman for being strong. Shaming strong women is what all they could do, when their delicate ego is hurt. So, ignore people who shame you for being brave and strong!
4. When You Are Financially Independent
Nothing hurts the male ego as much as a woman taking her own financial decisions. For a very long time, men have controlled women by keeping them financially dependent. And as women are becoming financially independent, our regressive men feel they are losing control!
5. When You Refuse To Be Selfless
Oh, how being a woman, you refuse to be selfless? How could you refuse to sacrifice your happiness for your husband and his family? How dare you focus on your dreams? If you have challenged the expectation of women making sacrifices for men and his family, you have definitely hurt many egos!
6. When You Are More Than ‘Yes’ Person & Vocal About Their Mistakes
How dare, being a woman, you pinpoint a man’s mistake? Rather than accepting his all decisions as God’s rule and hailing him as a hero, how could you point out his mistakes? Raised with the mindset of men are always right, many male egos are shattered when a woman gives them feedback and tell them they are wrong!
7. When You Refuse To Bow Down To Regressive Patriarchal Mindset
Taking a stand against a patriarchal mindset and living a life on your own terms could leave many egos crushed. Be it about how you dress, how you speak, how you laugh or how you defy regressive and patriarchal traditions!
8. Finally, When You Don’t Treat Your Husband As Pati Parmeshwar!
If you are treating your husband anything less than a GOD, then you are definitely hurting many egos! While many around you must be blaming or shaming you, we want to applaud you for being brave enough to demand a life of equality, dignity and respect!
Dear Strong & Independent Women, please live your life on your own terms. Even if that means you are hurting some shallow and delicate male egos!