Recently, a ‘unique’ plea has been filed in Delhi Court contending that there’s an urgent need to regulate the non-film songs and videos for obscene or vulgar content. PIL also stated that these songs are available for viewing without any restrictions.
The petitioners behind this PIL – Neha Kapor and Mohit Bhadu – mentioned that these songs are not only being run on TV and radio but also on applications like YouTube,, and Instagram.
They also claimed that the content of these songs has a negative impact on the minds as many of these songs not only promote the use of alcohol but also objectify women.
According to, the petition quoted lyrics from songs like Neha Kakkar’s Shona Shona, YoYo Honey Singh’s Saiyaan Ji, and Makhana.
The petition mentioned that while consumption of alcohol and cigarettes comes with a warning in films, there is no such disclaimer in these non-film songs.
“Such non-film songs have the effect of eroding the Indian value system and instigating the listeners, especially the youth in believing that drugs, alcohol and most importantly objectifying women is acceptable and these things are necessary to survive at par with your peers in the society,” alleged the petition.
Besides seeking the regulation, the plea also seeks a “ban of all such non-film songs available on the internet having obscene/vulgar content with immediate effect.”
At IFORHER, we feel this is an important step as many of these songs have lyrics that demean women along with the immense usage of vulgar language as well as substance abuse. It is time there is conversation about avoiding vulgar messaging on non-traditional channels as well.