You ask any man what he looks for in a woman. Most of them would tell you that they want someone who is strong and independent. They would tell you how they want to be with someone, who is well educated, intelligent, caring, who knows what she wants in life and goes for it. Basically, everyone wants to be with a strong woman.
Though they wish to marry a strong woman but is it what they really want? Because strong women are hardly accepted after marriage. The man who once wanted to marry her for her strength; gets irritated with her whenever she stands for herself.Â
Dear Indian men, though many of you want to marry a strong woman, I wonder why you fail to accept her strength after marriage? Though you tell us you want to be with a strong woman, I have my doubts about it.Â
Recently seeing my friends struggling after marriage, it made me wonder whether Indian men even know what they sign up for when they marry a “strong woman”? A strong woman is much more than someone who knows how to drive or the one who knows what to order in a restaurant.
It is very common to be attracted to a woman with a strong sense of self-worth and confidence. But here are some things that you need to understand about her before you wish to marry her. Because many men who wanted to marry a strong woman, struggle to accept them for who they are.Â
1. She Doesn’t Tolerate Attacks On Her Self-Respect
When it comes to love, she may leave not a single to chance to show you how much she cares. But, she doesn’t tolerate anything that threatens her self-respect. She won’t give respect to someone who treats her disrespectfully.Â
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2. She’s Not A ‘Yes-Man’; She Would Speak Up Her Mind, Even If That Offends Others
Strong women may be polite but they don’t let others bully them. Don’t expect them to be a ‘yes-man’. They would speak up their mind irrespective of whether you agree with her opinions or not. They would stand for themselves even if offends the patriarchal society.Â
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3. She Doesn’t Believe In Endless Compromises
Unlike how our society expects women to make endless sacrifices and compromises, any strong woman doesn’t believe in it. She doesn’t agree that just because she is a woman, she has to make endless compromises. She may be willing to make adjustments but if she will not entertain any unfair expectations like she won’t change her dressing style because your parents don’t like it or she won’t quit her job because your family wants to become an educated maid or cook.
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4. She’s Independent & You Can’t Control Her
Contrary to how society expects women to be controlled, a strong woman is a free-spirited being. So, if you expect to control her or expect her to take your permission before taking any decision, then you probably stay away from the strong woman. Because this strong woman may include you in her life decisions, but she will never give you the control over her life.
5. She Doesn’t Believe In Being A VictimÂ
And in case you ever ill-treat her, she won’t shy away from moving out of the relationship or marriage. She won’t become a victim only because of fear of what people would say. Unlike how society visualizes women as bechari, strong women are bold enough to walk away from relationships that mistreat her.
So dear Indian men, next time when you wish to marry a strong woman, be sure exactly what you are signing up for. Because it is stupid to marry a strong woman and then complaint about her being strong. If you can’t accept her STRENGTH, if you can’t respect her BOLDNESS, if you can’t handle her INDEPENDENT SOUL, then you better stay away!