When daughters come forward to donate their own hair for not only supporting the cancer patients but also sending a strong message to protect moms, you know they have been raised well.
Recently, 30 students of BCM college in Kottayam donated 30 cms of hair each for the cancer patients. They didn’t stop there. They dipped the whole college in pink as part of the Breast Cancer Awareness Program, which was organized by the college in the collaboration with ‘Protect Your Mom’ and ‘Hair For Hope’ on 21 November.
Protect Your Mom is a cancer awareness campaign that plans to educate women towards regular screening and early detection to find and fight cancer. The campaign focuses on plays, dances, speeches, and songs to promote awareness.
The college girls also became the part of the much greater campaign – “Hair For Hope”.
It strives to provide free wigs to the cancer patients who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy and cannot afford them. This helps cancer patients in restoring their confidence and self-esteem.
Both these beautiful campaigns have been founded by Premi Mathew. She has organized various events across the globe to create awareness. She attempts to influence students and teachers to undergo regular checkups. She also requests students to make their mothers check themselves for breast cancer too.
What are the signs and symptoms of breast cancer
The earlier one is diagnosed with breast cancer, the better are the chances of successful treatment. So, it is very important to check your breasts regularly.
How should I check my breasts?
There’s no special technique or training required to check your breasts.
As we all have different breasts, we need to understand how our breasts normally look and feel. So, we can easily figure out anything unusual.
Please make sure that you check the whole breast area, including your upper chest and armpits. If you find any changes or lumps, make your you get yourself checked by the doctor immediately.
What should I be looking for?
The most important thing to look for is Lumps. It is generally the first symptom of breast cancer for many women. But there are other signs as well. Pain in the breasts is not normally a sign, but it is important to look out for the pain that is unusual and persists for a long time.
When it comes to self-detection, one can follow TLC: Touch Look Check.
TOUCH your breasts.
- Can you feel anything unusual?
- Can you feel a lump or swelling in the breast, upper chest or armpit?
- You might feel the lump, but not see it.
Look for changes. Is there any change in shape or texture?
- Can you see any change in size or shape or texture or color?
- Does one breast become larger or lower than the other? or do you observe any puckering or dimpling of the skin of the breast? or does breast look red or inflamed?
- Do either of your nipples look different?
- Does nipple become inverted (turned in) when it normally points out? Do you notice any unusual discharge from your nipples? Do you see any rash or crusting of the nipple or surrounding area?
How often should I CHECK my breasts?
It doesn’t matter when you check your breasts, as long as you check them regularly. This could be every month or every couple of months.
We’d be highly grateful if you’d share this message through social media or email so more women regularly check themselves for signs and symptoms of breast cancer.
If we can save even one mother or daughter or sister from losing their lives to Breast Cancer, then we will feel we have successfully delivered on the mission of I FOR HER.
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