A segment of our society still believes that women are weak. But, what they forget is when it comes to her family, a woman leaves no stone unturned in making sure her husband and her kids have the best shot at life.
One such soul is this woman, who turned into a pillar of strength for her husband when life hit a rough patch. Heartbroken by her husband’s sadness about his job, she wanted to find a way to support him financially. But being a housewife for most of her life, she didn’t know how to earn money. She kept looking out for ways to support him, till she found one.

Here’s her inspiring story that we feel may inspire other women struggling to be financially independent:
“My husband and I got married about 30 years ago. He had a stable job, and I was a housewife. Everything was going great — but everyday when he’d come home, he’d be exhausted. He’d always be upset, and never looked forward to waking up and going to work.
The people there didn’t treat him well, the pressure was too much and he couldn’t take it. He was unhappy, and I wanted to help him — but I used to feel like there was nothing I could do.
Until one day, I came across a class that taught people how to bake cakes. I took it up and put my heart and soul into learning —I thought if I could learn well and start selling cakes, I’d be able to take the load off my husband. And it actually paid off!
Every morning I’d wake up early to bake cakes, and stand for hours here, selling them. For the first couple of months the sales were slow, but eventually people started recognising me — and I had regular customers! That’s when I went up to my husband, and told him that he didn’t need to work anymore.
I was earning and even though it wasn’t as much, it was enough. He quit his job, but instead of sitting at home, he decided to come and help me! He asked me to teach him how to bake cakes, and learnt quickly!
Now both of us run this business together. We‘ve managed to give all our 3 kids the best education and lifestyle— and live peacefully. And what’s most important, is that we find joy in what we do. We enjoy everything from baking, packing and selling — even coming home and celebrating a day of hard work.
We’re partners in everything— to not only put food on the table, but look out for each other’s happiness.”
Despite all her limitations, how this wife strives to be financially independent is quite inspiring. Her life story is definitely an inspiration to many, who are also trying to be independent!
You can either choose to wallow in self-pity or choose not to give up on yourselves like her! The choice is yours.