In the recent events, 23-year-old Manasa Varanasi, an engineer from Telangana, has been crowned as the winner of VLCC Femina Miss India World 2020. Along with her, Manika Sheokand from Haryana was crowned as VLCC Femina Miss Grand India 2020, and Manya Omprakash Singh from Uttar Pradesh was declared VLCC Femina Miss India 2020 Runner Up.
While many are in awe of all the three winners, we were specifically touched by the inspiring story of Manya Singh. How she made an inspiring journey from being a daughter of an auto-rickshaw driver to Miss India Runner Up is worth applauding.
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While sharing the details about Manya Singh, the Femina Miss India shared:
“Just like in the tv advertisement dream comes true and one must not let go of hopes if you work hard. Winner for this year Miss India #ManyaSingh from Uttar Pradesh is proud of her roots and her dad who rides a rickshaw.
While sharing the details of her inspiring journey, Manya Singh mentioned:
“I’ve spent numerous nights without food and sleep. I’ve spent many afternoons walking for miles on end. My blood, sweat, and tears have amalgamated into courage to pursue my dreams. Being a rickshaw driver’s daughter, I never had the opportunity to attend school as I had to start working in my teens. All the clothes I had were hand-me-downs. I yearned for books, but luck wasn’t in my favour. Eventually, my parents mortgaged whatever little jewellery my mother had to ensure that I paid my exam fees in order to earn a degree. My mother has suffered a lot to provide for me. At 14, I ran away from home. I somehow managed to complete my studies in the day, became a dishwasher in the evening and worked at a call centre at night. I’ve walked hours to reach places so I could save the rickshaw fare.”
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Because of the COVID pandemic, the pageant was conducted virtually. The jury panel included renowned celebrities like Neha Dhupia, Chitrangada Singh, Pulkit Samrat, and designer duo Falguni and Shane Peacock.
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Additionally, the event also had a special performance from the celebrities like Vaani Kapoor and Aparshakti Khurrana at the ceremony to amp up the thrill, fun, and excitement.
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In this virtual event, that took place at Hyatt Regency in Mumbai, aspirants from across the country competed against each other via a virtual process. The grand finale will be telecast on Feb 28 on Colors TV channel.
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At IFORHER, we are in awe of all the inspiring young women and we wish them luck in their future endeavors! Keep making us proud!