In a heartwarming gesture, Head Constable Seema Dhaka has become the first Delhi Police officer to get an out-of-turn promotion. Seema Dhaka of Police Station Samay Pur Badli (Outer North District) became eligible for it as she traced 76 missing children and 56 of them are below the age of 14 years.
These missing children have been traced not only from Delhi but from other states as far as Punjab and West Bengal.
To motivate the police personnel to trace or recover the missing children, the Commissioner of Police has issued an incentive scheme on 5th August’ 2020 to the effect that:
“…any Constable/Head Constable who recovers 50 or more missing children below the age of 14 years (15 children out of them of the age group less than 08 years) within a period of 12 calendar months will be considered for the grant of out of turn promotion”.
Sharing her inspiration behind her great achievement, Seema mentioned:
“It gives me joy to see children reunite with parents. I’m happy that the Police Commissioner rewarded my work. This might encourage others also,”
Woman head constable #SeemaDhaka of Samaypur Badli receives an out-of-turn promotion.“It gives me joy to see children reunite with parents. I’m happy that the Police Commissioner rewarded my work. This might encourage others also,” she says.
— Jagran English (@JagranEnglish) November 19, 2020
Many Netizens came forward to applaud Seema and celebrate her great achievements:
Let’s make her famous instead actress! This Woman head constable Seema Dhaka of Samaypur Badli receives out-of-turn promotion for tracing 76 missing children#Delhi #SeemaDhaka #BreakingNews
— Samyutha (@samutha1197) November 19, 2020
Stories like these and brave hearts like her, helps in restoring faith in the khaakhi.
— Shivani Chopra (@ShivaniChopra_) November 19, 2020
#SeemaDhaka ????????
This is not an example of women empowerment but a responsible officer. Women are already empowered.
The real life “Mardani” did a wonderful job which many can’t..
A BIG SOLUTE TO REAL POLICE OF HUMANITY !!#ranilaxmibai #SeemaDhaka ????— Swati Bhattacharya ???????????????????????? (@SwatiBhattac7) November 19, 2020
#Delhi Now, ASI Seema Dhaka! @CPDelhi changing her stripes on out of turn promotion. @DelhiPolice @cp_delhi #SeemaDhaka #DelhiPolice @INDBureaucracy @IPS_Association
— Tarun Sharma (@tarun10sharma) November 19, 2020
ये हैं असली सिंघम ????अनगिनत जीवन में खुशियाँ लाने वाली सीमा आपको सलाम
— Meenakshi Joshi (@IMinakshiJoshi) November 18, 2020
Head constable #SeemaDhaka is currently posted in the Outer North District. She has been granted Promotion out of turn by @CPDelhi for recovery of 76 missing children in the last 3 months
Tracing innocent missing children is a great achievement for their families and for the society. Satisfaction beyond words for you, too!
Thank you and congratulations, #SeemaDhaka!
May the joy of those families brighten up your life all the more!— Laly Randolf (@laly_randolf) November 19, 2020
Women like #SeemaDhaka are the true epitome of women empowerment.
— ????。☆✼★Be.E.No★✼☆。???? (@RebelGeek1111) November 19, 2020
It’s not the long feminism debates and lecture, it’s such commendable work that counts.
The real Heroine. Salute to this courageous Braveheart. #SeemaDhaka #NaariShakti
— KK (@ForeverKrishnas) November 19, 2020
At IFORHER, we are extremely proud of Seema Dhaka and hope her courage and determination will inspire many more! We wish her luck for future endeavours and hope that she will keep inspiring us!