During a heartbreaking incident in 2018, Nayak Deepak Nainwal was injured as he was fighting off terrorists in Kulgam, Kashmir. This brave soldier fought for his life for 40 days in the hospital, but unfortunately passed away. And, three years later, his wife Jyoti Nainwal has made the country proud as she joined the Indian Army.
A mother of two, 32-year-old Jyoti Nainwal left her two kids with her family and trained at the Officers’ Training Academy in Chennai this year. On Saturday, she was finally commissioned into the Indian Army as a lieutenant.
Her inspiring video shared by the Press Information Bureau on Twitter has now gone viral for all the right reasons. In the video, Jyoti says, “He gifted us a life of pride… which we, I am trying to carry forward. I’d like to thank my husband’s regiment.”
Newly commissioned Indian Army Officer at OTA, Chennai, Veer Nari, Jyoti Nainwal, mother of 2 children is the wife of Naik Deepak Nainwal, who died after being shot while serving our nation in Indian Army operations in J&K in 2018.@SpokespersonMoD @Def_PRO_Chennai @PIB_India pic.twitter.com/TcaTgsCv3q
— PIB in Tamil Nadu 🇮🇳 (@pibchennai) November 20, 2021
Jyoti Nainwal further added: “They stand with me at every step and treat me like a daughter. For brave women, I’d like to become a mother not for ‘janm’ (birth) but for ‘karm’ (deed), and whatever I live for, will be a gift to my children,”.
While fighting the terrorists, Deepak was shot in the spine and chest. And, while he was fighting for his life in the hospital, he had told Jyoti that he wanted her to join the Army.
Jyoti had told Times of India, “Having been grievously shot in the spine and chest, he had lost all sensation in his lower body. During the last 40 days of his life at the hospital in Delhi, he once asked me to join the Army when he is no more. I am thankful to the Indian Army for giving me the opportunity of honouring his last wish.”
At IFORHER, we are in awe of Jyoti Nainwal and her inspiring courage. We wish her luck for future endeavours and hope her motivational story will leave many inspired to fight their battles with courage.