Deepika Padukone, who is a proud jury member at the prestigious Cannes Festival, was recently asked how she would critique the films at the festival. It was a simple question for someone, who is selected as a part of a jury panel. But, Deepika Padukone’s response left many Internet users disappointed. After listening to the answer, many netizens couldn’t help but scratch their heads.
She spoke at length about the “burdens” and “responsibilities” of the role, but sadly, the response from the 36-year-old left people confused and disappointed.
Internet users were quick to point out the invalidity of Deepika’s answer. One individual wrote, “Such prolific nonsense but just because she’s so beautiful one can bear that much verbal farrago,” while another said, “Nothing she said makes sense. She contradicted herself so many times.”
Deepika Padukone’s Reply to How She Would “Critique” the Films
Deepika, began her answer by reminding the audience that she would not be hesitant in performing her role as jury and critic. She further added,
“”I think we are all aware of the fact that it is a huge responsibility. But, I think, we have also made a promise to each other yesterday that we are not going to burden ourselves with that responsibility. I think the idea is to remind ourselves of that audience, or of that young child who’s grown up watching movies and been inspired….I think cinema is such a powerful tool, such a powerful medium, it has the ability to impact people’s lives and touch and influence people’s lives. So, I think, for the next two weeks, [we must forget] that we have this burden and this responsibility and actually just enjoy the creative process, that’s sort of what we are all here to do. I think we are all creative people. I don’t think any of us have the capacity to judge, or to critique, or to criticize,”
Here’s what social media users think about Deepika’s answers
“Oh god. Every single time, she speaks many sentences, but at the end no one actually gets what exactly she tried to convey, “ wrote Sharon Manoj. Another user wrote, “If I was a puzzle and random words put in a sentence to form something that seems like it’s deep, but would make no sense at all, I’d be this.”
This is what happens when you have not done the homework and are not attentive enough in class. Been through such moments in class 6, 7 & 8 😜
— Alok Tewary (@AlokTewary3) May 19, 2022
— Oorvee Vashishtha (@oorvsss) May 18, 2022
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