Recently, Karan Johar’s film “Ae Dil Hai Mushkil” has been in the spotlight once again after Anushka Sharma, who played the character Alizeh in the film, referred to her character as melodramatic in an old video. In this video, she stated that she could never be friends with such a character This comment has caused a stir on social media, with many internet users joining in to roast the film and its characters.
“Ae Dil Hai Mushkil” was a highly anticipated movie that was released in 2016 and was directed by Karan Johar, starring Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Ranbir Kapoor, and Anushka Sharma in lead roles. The film received mixed reviews upon its release, and Anushka’s comments have once again ignited discussions and debates about the movie and its characters.
I can never be friends with Alizeh: Anushka Sharma
In an old video shared on Reddit, you could hear Anushka saying she could never be friends with the melodramatic character Alizeh from Ae Dil Hai Mushkil. In case you haven’t watched the video yet, here it is:
Anushka talking about alizeh from ADHM? What did u think of her character in the film?
by u/coherence-344 in BollyBlindsNGossip
After the video went viral, many came forward to share their thoughts about Karan Johar’s highly anticipated movie – Ae Dil Hai Mushkil. Here’s what people had to say about it.
One user wrote, “I only watched this movie once on my computer and I found Ranbir so irritating. Especially that hand full of mehendi and crying. Cringe max. I love the songs but can’t listen to them with video on.” Another user said, “I agree. The character was awful. The film was even worse.”
While talking about Anushka’s character Alizeh, a netizen wrote, “Probably one of her worst films, her worst performance is probably Sanju with that terrible British accent but oh my god Alizeh as a character was insufferable.” Another user wrote,“It’s honestly her worst movie.”
Someone wrote, “The only good thing about ADHK were the cameos by Fawad Khan and SRK, the movie otherwise was such a trainwreck. And this makes me skeptical of RARKPK as KJo makes a return after 7 yrs.” Another user mentioned, “The problem of the movie was, if it was about friendship then it never showed that there was a genuine friendship between the two. The guy tried to hit on her all the time.”
This isn’t the first time that people have trolled Karan Johar for Ae Dil Hai Mushkil. Karan’s movie was heavily criticized for glorifying toxic relationships and portraying them as something romantic or desirable. He was also heavily criticized when he revealed that Anushka’s character was punished with death as she rejected Ranbir’s character.
Karan Johar Trolled For Saying Anushka’s Character Had To Die Because She Couldn’t Love Ranbir’s Character
While sharing his thoughts about the movie ending, Karan Johar said in an interview, “Yes, the last track met with many polarised responses and rightfully so, but I was like she didn’t love him, she has to die. I wrote this character. He loved her so crazily. She could’ve loved him back, why couldn’t she? So she got cancer and she died,”
Netizens were not amused with his reasoning and slammed him for propagating such “toxicity”. “How is @karanjohar’s take on punishing Anushka’s character for not reciprocating love any different from those men who go around growing acid on women? Do men seriously believe that a woman HAS to love them back in the way they want per force? Misogyny knows no bounds!” one Twitter user wrote.
Here’s what netizens had to say:
@karanjohar said this during an interview, about a female character that he killed off:
— Preeti (@preetideshpa) January 25, 2019
“He loved her so crazily. She could’ve loved him back, why couldn’t she? So she got cancer and she died.”
Ladies, don’t DARE to reject men. You’ll get cancer and you’ll die. 😁 #NoMeansNo
Karan Johar saying he killed off Alizeh in ADHM because she didn’t love Ayan and chalking it off as karma is disgusting because we still live in a day and age where women are constantly attacked or killed for not reciprocating feelings and we are NOT going to romanticize that
— sai (@Saisailu97) January 24, 2019
People are (unfortunately) VERY influenced by movies and copy the things they see on screen. This absolutely vile justification of a woman dying because she didn’t love a man would do nothing but encourage men in real life to act the same.
— sai (@Saisailu97) January 24, 2019
Also, Karan Johar, this isn’t *love*!!!! This is toxicity. This is abusive. You can’t say that you refuse to apologize for a character being abusive and justifying it by saying it was love. Gross.
— sai (@Saisailu97) January 24, 2019
What do you think about the movie? Tell us in the comments below.