In a heartbreaking news, Akshay Kumar bid adieu to his mother this morning. Many were praying his mother’s health, when Akshay left all his work and flew back to visit his sick mother in the hospital. But, today Akshay informed everyone that his mother has left the world.
Touched beyond words at your concern for my mom’s health. This is a very tough hour for me and my family. Every single prayer of yours would greatly help. 🙏🏻
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) September 7, 2021
But, today Akshay informed everyone that his mother has left the world. While informing people about the demise of his mother, Akshay took to social media to mention:
“She was my core. And today I feel an unbearable pain at the very core of my existence. My maa Smt Aruna Bhatia peacefully left this world today morning and got reunited with my dad in the other world. I respect your prayers as I and my family go through this period. Om Shanti”
She was my core. And today I feel an unbearable pain at the very core of my existence. My maa Smt Aruna Bhatia peacefully left this world today morning and got reunited with my dad in the other world. I respect your prayers as I and my family go through this period. Om Shanti 🙏🏻
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) September 8, 2021
While the netizens poured in their prayers, they remembered Arunaji and her older interview where she mentioned how Akshay stood as a shield for the family after the death of her husband.
This video broke my heart into thousand pieces, AK’s mother was his biggest strength. stay strong #AkshayKumar Sir💔
— ROMÉO👑 (@Akshays_Wizard) September 8, 2021
During the interview, she was seen very emotional about it and latter mentioned how Akshay took a big decision on joining the entertainment industry even when nobody from the family belonged to this industry. In the end, she mentioned how she was extremely proud and happy that Akshay did so well on the screen!
At IFORHER, we wish strength for Akshay and hope he will get inner strength to cope this immense pain.