Recently, Dharmendra returned to the limelight with the movie Karan Johar’s Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani. One particular thing that left the internet berserk is his onscreen kiss with Shabana Azmi in Karan Johar’s directorial. Recently, when the actor was asked about the kissing scene in Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani during its success party and he quipped, “Baht mazza aaya!”
Talking about people’s reaction to the kissing scene, Dharmendra said, “I am receiving messages from the people and I said, “Ye to mere daaye haath ka kaam hai kuch baaye haath se karvana ho vo bhi karva lo (That’s really easy for me. Let me know if you have more difficult challenges for me).”
But do you know recently an old clip from Simi Garewal’s show went viral, where Esha and Hema Malini made some shocking revelations about Dharmendra? The clip which grabbed a lot of eyeballs was shared on Reddit and was captioned, “Hema Malini’s concept of a parent/Spouse is a little weird here. Did she raise them all alone? Also, Dharamji as a father sounds very absent and patriarchal.”
In the video, Hema & Esha spoke about Dharmendra and left the internet shocked
“He Likes Them To Always Be In Salwar Kameez”: Hema Malini
Hema further in the interview talked about Dharmendra’s protective nature and said, “In dresses, he’s very particular, he likes them to always be in salwar kameez. So, my daughters, the moment he’s coming, they’ll wear salwar kameez and come.”
“We are Not Allowed To Go Out”, Esha Deol On Dharmendra Being Protective Father
Later in the video, Esha also shares, “We are not allowed to go out that often. Mama’s there so we manage to go out for sports. We had to go for state level outside Bombay, he said no, I didn’t go. He doesn’t like us wearing sleeveless tops and short pants. Whenever he comes home, we wear trousers or salwar kameez.”
Hema Malini also spoke about the role of Dharmendra in raising daughters.
While talking about Dharmendra’s involvement in raising her daughter, she said, “Just to take a few decisions, regarding children, that’s the only thing. They don’t want you to go wrong anywhere. There’s a time you need his support. He’s always there to give the support. Whenever he’s in Bombay, he comes to see the children, he’s with them and asks about what they are doing, and their studies.”
Here’s the clip:
Hema Malini’s concept of a parent/Spouse is a little weird here. Did she raise them all alone? Also Dharamji as a father sounds very absent and patriarchal.
by in BollyBlindsNGossip
For the unversed, Dharmendra is a proud father to four daughters and two sons. He married Prakash Kaur in 1954 with whom he had Sunny Deol, Bobby Deol, Ajieta Deol, and Vijeta Deol, and then in 1980 married actress Hema Malini, with whom he had Esha Deol and Ahana Deol. What do you think about this clip? Tell us in the comments below.