Zoya Akhtar’s film ‘The Archies’ faced harsh criticism as it failed miserably to impress the audience. The movie received backlash for launching three star kids – Suhana Khan, Khushi Kapoor, and Agastya Nanda – in lead roles, which sparked discussions about nepotism. However, what truly disappointed the audience was the poor performance delivered by these debut actors.
After watching the disappointing performances in’The Archies,’ numerous social media users felt that Suhana, Agastya, and Khushi secured their roles solely due to ‘nepotism.’ Amidst these discussions, a Reddit user highlighted a comparison with Priyanka Chopra, who, at the same age as Suhana Khan and Khushi Kapoor, portrayed one of Bollywood’s most challenging characters in the beloved 2004 film ‘Aitraaz.’
For those unfamiliar, Priyanka Chopra portrayed Sonia Kapoor, a negative character who falsely accuses Raj, her ex-boyfriend and current employee, of rape. Despite societal pressure, Raj files a sexual harassment lawsuit against her. Priyanka’s remarkable acting received praise from both critics and audiences. She outshone Akshay Kumar and Kareena Kapoor, who were supposed to be the main leads of the movie.
A Reddit user highlighted that Priyanka Chopra was only 21 years old when she tackled a complex role in ‘Aitraaz’ with finesse, contrasting the struggles faced by the star kids who failed in simpler roles.
Here’s how people reacted:
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