These days, star kids are reaching levels of fame just as high as their celebrity parents. Whether it’s Shah Rukh and Gauri’s son Abram, Aishwarya and Abhishek’s daughter Aradhya, or Kareena and Saif’s sons Taimur and Jeh, and let’s not forget Alia and Ranbir’s daughter Raha – these little ones are stealing the spotlight like never before.
But with all this attention comes a lot of chatter. Netizens are buzzing with theories that are straight out of left field. One such theory recently surfaced on a Reddit thread, sparking a whole new ridiculous conversation about whether Bollywood stars might be tinkering with their kids’ eye colors.
Yep, you heard that right. It all started with one Reddit comment: “Everyone in Bollywood in recent years has had kids with either blue or gray eyes. I can’t help but suspect this is the cause of Bollywood’s obsession with colorism and Anglo-Indian ancestry. Some of these parents and grandparents don’t have any blue or gray eyes. I’m not hating, I’m just really curious whether this is just some coincidence.”
And just like that, the comment went viral, with fans from all corners coming forward to share their thoughts. Some pointed out the curious trend of star kids having blue or gray eyes, and how they wonder every celeb baby is with blue/green eyes.
Fortunately, some netizens brought some sensical points and shared how kids are born with blue or lighter eyes:
Some netizens pointed out how even if parents and grandparents are black-eyed, the baby can inherit lighter-colored eyes from their great-grandparents:
And, then someone pointed out how gene editing is still far from being legalized:
Firstly, gene editing is expensive, illegal, and unsafe. Why would someone in their right mind put their kids through such a risky procedure? It’s quite ridiculous how some people don’t even think twice before making such baseless claims.
What do you think? Tell us in the comments below.