Recently, the trailer of Brahmastra Part One Shiva was released. This long-awaited movie stars Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor, Amitabh Bachchan, Nagarjuna, and Mouni Roy. The three-minute trailer revealed some of its secrets while teasing a few others.
High on VFX, the movie makes an attempt to establish a universe of superheroes who safeguard the deadly weapons, that harness the power of elements. The deadliest weapon of all is the Brahmastra.
Brahmastra Trailer Introduces Us To Its Astraverse
Ranbir Kapoor is playing the character of Shiva, who is introduced as a guy next door till his magical powers are revealed. In the trailer, it is disclosed that Ranbir has the power that fire cannot burn him. In the trailer, a romantic moment with Isha (Alia Bhatt) is disturbed by CGI fire, which makes Shiva reveal the truth to her. The trailer also introduces the forces of good and evil – Amitabh Bachchan and Nagarjuna on the side of angels whereas Mouni Roy is the harbinger of darkness.
Did We Spot SRK In Brahmastra Trailer?
However, fans are pointing out the dark figure with a long mane as Shah Rukh Khan’s much-talked-about cameo. While his face has not been revealed, people are quite sure that it is SRK himself.
Watch Brahmastra Trailer Here:
Brahmastra Is Not A Superhero Film; It’s A Fantasy Film
As people have already started drawing similarities between Astraverse and MCU, director Ayan Mukerji clearly said that Brahmastra is not a superhero film. In his interview with IANS, he said: “I am not a superhero nerd. I love some of the superhero films like ‘Avengers’ and ‘Spiderman’… I am not the biggest superhero fan. I would like to say that I am more of a fantasy film fan. And I honestly think ‘Brahmastra’ is not a superhero film. It is not about a guy wearing a costume and necessarily saving people,”
The film’s makers have promised a great experience and a desi track into the fantasy genre. Ayan also mentioned, “I am probably more affected by things from Indian roots by our gods and goddesses, by stories of Indian history, perhaps more than superheroes. It’s a combination of influences that have affected me in this film.”
When Is Brahmastra Release Date?
The much-awaited movie, Brahmatra is expected to release in cinema halls on 9th September 2022.
How did you find the trailer? Don’t forget to tell us in the comments below.