Ranbir Kapoor’s film ‘Animal’ may have amassed a massive collection at the box office, but it has unquestionably been embroiled in controversies. Many fans who watched the movie disliked it, not only for its misogynistic themes but also due to its poor execution with unnecessary plots and scenes. However, the film’s maker, Sandeep Reddy Vanga, seems reluctant to accept criticism. The ‘Animal’ movie Twitter account faced heavy criticism when it resorted to trolling critics expressing their viewpoints.
Adding to the controversy, Sandeep Reddy Vanga referred to those criticizing his movie as ‘illiterate and educated’ in another unfortunate incident. In a viral clip, he could be seen dismissing individuals giving negative reviews of his movie as illiterate and uneducated. “You think because of Rajeev Masand, Anupama Chopra and that Tyagi girl’s (Suchitra Tyagi) review I got the first-day opening? It’s because of the craft, nobody speaks about the craft or the sound and design because they are literally illiterate and uneducated when it comes to films,” he said.
“They have no sense to criticize a film or review a film. They only see the sensitive part of the film and speak. If at all you want to sit with them and talk face-to-face, they don’t have the guts,” he said.
just Sandeep Reddy Vanga things 💥
— A. (@HypocriteAman) December 19, 2023
giving belt treatment to chu critics Anupama, Rajeev, Suchitra Tyagi pic.twitter.com/wxt9lhPeF8
In another concerning interview with Galatta Plus, he stated that only ‘jokers’ perceive misogyny in his movies. Disagreeing with the widespread public opinion that his characters like Kabir Singh, Arjun Reddy, and Ranvijay Singh exhibit misogynistic traits, he remarked, “I don’t know why these 15-20 jokers do.”
He added, “Misogyny is disrespect to women. This is the actual definition, right? So no. Even Kabir Singh, even Animal, even me as a person. I always feel my production house name is Bhadrakali Pictures and I don’t know why people think… not too many people, only these 15-20 jokers. But it’s a wrong word to use on Kabir Singh, Animal.”
Meanwhile, the movie has faced massive criticism from critics, fans, and officials due to its highly misogynistic dialogues and scenes. Numerous individuals took to social media to express how Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s handling of criticism appeared not only problematic but also immature. Here’s a glimpse of what people had to say:
just Sandeep Reddy Vanga things, getting repeatedly triggered & offended from reviews of the critics, just for doing their job. As if other movies don’t get negative reviews
— sah3b (@sahebabdullah) December 20, 2023
In the end, we just want to leave you with Winston Churchill’s powerful quote about criticism – “Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body; it calls attention to the development of an unhealthy state of things. If it is heeded in time, danger may be averted; if it is suppressed, a fatal distemper may develop.”
What do you think about Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s comments? Tell us in the comments below.