Kathal, a social satire film directed by Yashowardhan Mishra and produced by Guneet Monga’s Sikhya Entertainment and Balaji Telefilms, features Sanya Malhotra in the lead role. The movie revolves around Inspector Mahima Basor, played by Sanya Malhotra, who is assigned the task of locating stolen jackfruits from an MLA’s residence.
The film, which started streaming on Netflix from May 19, sheds light on caste discrimination and the oppression faced by the underprivileged. Kathal has Anantvijay Joshi, Neha Saraf, Vijay Raaz, and Rajpal Yadav in key roles. Within a day of release, fans expressed their excitement for this film on Twitter.
Praising the film, one user wrote: “A Kathal Mystry with full-fledged Investigation. Unexpected Movie delivered entertainment… @sanyamalhotra07 shines through the movie.A wholesome entertainer can be watched with full family.”
Another user found it to be thoroughly entertaining: “What a heartening and beautiful film this is! Laughed my heart out during the last chase sequence!😂 @sanyamalhotra07 loved it! ❤️”
Here are some of the best Twitter reviews:
#KathalReview#KathalOnNetflix is a must watch Satire film. No big name in the film yet the film is fantastic in every aspect.#SanyaMalhotra #VijayRaaj #RaghubirYadav #RajpalYadav mind blowing acting. Screenplay and direction is above average.
— Bollywod Product (@BolywoodProduct) May 19, 2023
Rating#BollywoodProduct 7/10 pic.twitter.com/ECFq5tvjpq
#Kathal on @netflix is fantastic. Do not miss it. A sharp satire and a proper family entertainer. Such terrific casting. Sanya Malhotra is a star. @guneetm @balajimotionpic @sikhyaent @Castingbayindia pic.twitter.com/sHW4jjvOPL
— Arcopol Chaudhuri 🇮🇳 (@mishtydoi) May 20, 2023
Watched #Kathal on #Netflix and loved it. #SanyaMalhotra is brilliant as a cop in a hilarious and hard-hitting satire on caste, gender and politics in rural India. A must-watch film that will make you laugh and think. 4/5 stars.👏👏👏
— Jus (@WandererUser) May 19, 2023
Even stars like Javed Jaaferi were all praises for the movie:
#KathalOnNetflix . Thoroughly enjoyable while conveying the right messages. Well written and directed by @Yashooooooo and vividly shot by #HarshvirOberai .@sanyamalhotra07 carries the film with a super ensemble. @rajpalofficial is superb.
Congratulations @guneetm and team 👍🏽— Jaaved Jaaferi (@jaavedjaaferi) May 19, 2023
I think Sanya Malhotra is our version of Drew Barrymore. Not to take away from her acting prowess, but she has that amazing immensely likeable quality about her. One just wants to befriend her or adopt her or something. #KathalOnNetflix
— Sarita Tanwar 🦁 (@SaritaTanwar) May 20, 2023
What a heartening and beautiful film this is!
— Pallavi Sinha (@pallavisinhaaa) May 19, 2023
Laughed my heart out during the last chase sequence!😂@sanyamalhotra07 loved it! ❤️#KathalOnNetflix #Kathal pic.twitter.com/JMsAY4ozHn
Kathal Movie Plot
The story begins with Mahima Basor apprehending a notorious criminal in Moba. However, instead of receiving recognition for her achievement, she is assigned the peculiar task of finding the missing jackfruits. These particular fruits, of the Uncle Hong variety, hold great significance as they could determine the fate of MP Pateria.
While Mahima and her team search for the prized jackfruits, her investigation takes an unexpected turn, leading her to uncover deeper truths. As the entire police force focuses on the search for the jackfruits, the plight of a poor man whose daughter has gone missing is ignored. Similarly, a constable who has lost his newly purchased Nano car for his daughter’s dowry receives no assistance from his fellow officers.
Kathal employs humor and drama to explore the prevailing caste system in India. The film portrays characters like Pateria and Mahima’s seniors, highlighting how individuals in positions of power often exploit others. The presence of comical characters such as Pateria and Anuj from Moba News, played by Vijay Raaz and Rajpal Yadav respectively, adds a lighter touch to the darker moments of the movie.
In case you haven’t watched the trailer yet, here it is:
Overall, Kathal is a thought-provoking social satire that offers a decent option for weekend viewing. Do let us know your thoughts in the comments section.