In a rollercoaster ride at the box office, Bollywood witnessed a lackluster 2022 with only a handful of films managing to strike gold. But fear not, fellow cinephiles, for 2023 has brought us a glimmer of hope with some notable hits gracing the silver screen. Among the frontrunners, two movies have emerged as the reigning champions: “Pathaan” and “The Kerala Story.”
Now, while “Pathaan” has been leading the charge in terms of overall collections, it’s time to shift our spotlight to the surprising dark horse, “The Kerala Story.” Starring the talented Adah Sharma, this film has managed to outshine even the mighty Yash Raj Films production in its fourth week! Talk about a plot twist. “The Kerala Story” garnered a jaw-dropping Rs. 18.15 crores, leaving the Shah Rukh Khan starrer spy-action flick, “Pathaan,” in its wake with Rs. 14.31 crores.
Directed by the masterful Sudipto Sen and produced by the visionary Vipul Amrutlal Shah, “The Kerala Story” has accomplished the unthinkable, raking in a whopping total of Rs. 231.72 crores so far. Now, let’s take a moment to appreciate this remarkable feat. With no big stars and minimal entertainment factors, this film has defied all odds and captured the hearts of audiences far and wide. Definitely remarkable!
As we dive deeper into the enchanting realm of fourth-week collections in 2023, it’s time to unravel the remaining gems that have managed to secure their place in this coveted list. Alongside the mighty “Pathaan” and “The Kerala Story,” we have “Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar,” “Bholaa,” “Mrs. Chatterjee vs Norway,” “Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan,” and “Shehzada.” These movies have proven their mettle, each carving a niche for themselves in the hearts of moviegoers.
Here are the top 5 fourth-week collections in 2023:
- “The Kerala Story” – INR 18.15 cr.
- “Pathaan” – INR 14.31 cr.
- “Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar” – INR 5.67 cr.
- “Bholaa” – INR 1.60 cr.
- “Mrs. Chatterjee vs Norway” – INR 1.50 cr.
Adah Sharma Triumphs Over Alia, Kangana; Becomes Highest-Grossing Bollywood Actress
In another stunning turn of events, Adah Sharma has achieved a remarkable milestone in her movie career, surpassing industry stalwarts Alia Bhatt and Kangana Ranaut as her movie became the highest-grossing female-centric Indian movie of all time. Her latest film, “The Kerala Story,” has shattered box office records, amassing an impressive 231 Crores so far.
So, fellow movie lovers, let’s revel in the excitement of these remarkable box office journeys. From the unexpected triumphs to the edge-of-your-seat surprises, 2023 is shaping up to be a year that reminds us why we fell in love with the magic of cinema. Stay tuned for more thrills, spills, and unexpected twists as the year unfolds. Lights, camera, box office action!