Recently Ranveer Singh’s nude photos broke the internet. While many applauded Ranveer Singh’s photoshoot, there were some who took social media to start the meme fest. But, in midst of all this hype and celebration, there was one reaction that hit really hard.
The famous Bengali actress-turned-politician Mimi Chakraborty took to social media to share her reaction to Ranveer Singh’s viral nude photoshoot. Her reaction came after many people who celebrated Ranveer Singh for daring to go nude and posting his nude pictures on social media.
Brave and Unapologetic: Bollywood applauds Ranveer as he goes naked for magazine shoot
— ANI Digital (@ani_digital) July 22, 2022
Read @ANI Story | #Bollywood #RanveerSinghnudephotoshoot
Sharing her response to Ranveer Singh’s photoshoot, Mimi posted a question if the woman would have done a similar photoshoot what reactions she would have received. Would she have received the same response and support?
Trinamool Congress member of Parliament (MP) Mii Chakraborty wrote on her Twitter handle, “Internet broke with Ranveer singh’s latest photoshoot and comments were 🔥🔥🔥(mostly). Just wondering if the appreciation would hav been same if she was a woman.Or would u have burned her house down,taken up morchas given her a death threat and slut shamed her.(1/1)”
Internet broke with Ranveer singh’s latest photoshoot and comments were 🔥🔥🔥(mostly).Just wondering if the appreciation would hav been same if she was a woman.Or would u have burned her house down,taken up morchas given her a death threat and slut shamed her.(1/1)
— Mimi chakraborty (@mimichakraborty) July 21, 2022
This is what people responded to the tweet:
Absolutely Right Mimi, You have slapped so hard to so many with your comments. First of all if some actress wud have post these kind of pic, then ppl hv thought she is doing this to get offer for films and she is ready to do anything to get money, ad and movies.
— anuj garg (@ganuj11) July 22, 2022
Well if you see it’s really clicked with taste and class. Yes women are always soft targets for trolls. And nowadays because every fool has smart phone in hand with valid wifi or data network women get targeted easily if they decide to do anything out of the box. Ke Sera Sera
— Vaishali Kanchan (@vaishalikanchan) July 22, 2022
But, this isn’t the first time when Mimi has come forward to raise her voice for gender equality. She earlier spoke about women being trolled and shamed for wearing jeans.
“We talk about equality, women’s empowerment… yet we are now being trolled for wearing jeans. I haven’t heard of male MPs being criticized for their clothes but when a woman MP wears jeans, that bothers an entire nation,” the actress had stated, according to reports.
It is quite heartbreaking how women have to face so much hate and wrath for the same things that men are applauded for. Even though we are in 21st century, it is sad how women are still struggling for equality.
If women would have done the similar photoshoot as Ranveer Singh, would the response and support have been the same? What do you think? Tell us in the comments below.