In 2018, journalist Priya Ramani gathered all her courage and came out with her #MeToo story. She accused former Union Minister MJ Akbar of sexual misconduct. She had alleged that he had called her to his hotel bedroom for a job interview and behaved inappropriately, reports NDTV.
In response to the allegations, MJ Akbar had filed a defamation case against Priya Ramani, which had its final hearing yesterday. As per The Indian Express, MJ Akbar had termed the allegations as “false, fabricated and deeply distressing”.
In 2018, when #MeToo movement swept India, many women gathered the courage to come out and share their stories of abuse. It was then, Priya Ramani came forward and shared her traumatic story. Following Priya Ramani’s accusation, 20 other female journalists accused Akbar of sexual misconduct which took place while they were associated with him when he worked as an editor.
Now, after almost two and a half years, Priya Ramani has been acquitted in the criminal defamation case by the Delhi Court. This isn’t just a landmark win for Priya but for every woman, who wants to fight against their abuser. While delivering the judgment, the Delhi Court made many significant statements that we feel are the must-read for anyone. Here are 8 important statements that captured our attention:
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*Image Credits: Live Law