World-renowned designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee has recently designed school uniforms for Rajkumari Ratnavati Girls School in Jaisalmer. Sabyasachi’s official Instagram handle shared images of the young girls wearing the blue and maroon designer’s uniform and we are floored.
The beautiful uniform includes a blue knee-length dress with three-quarter sleeves and a round neck. The dress is paired with cropped elastic waist pants that are maroon in color. Additionally, there is special Ajrakh work on the uniform around the sleeves and skirt. Ajrakh is a type of block printing, which is famous in states like Rajasthan and Gujarat.
Sabyasachi took this beautiful mission in collaboration with Citta, a US-based non-profit organization. According to their official website, this particular project aims at providing education and other vocational skill-building to underprivileged girls. This project has a core objective to help these girls achieve financial independence through meaningful work.
Sabyasachi’s Instagram shared another post to mention the process that went behind the designing of the uniform. The post read,
“I have always believed in the transformative power of education. Its impact ripples upwards and outwards, from an individual level to a society-at-large. Especially dear to me are the initiatives that focus their resources on educating girls — the demographic most limited in access to opportunity and most stifled by archaic social expectations.”
The fashion tycoon further added that he wanted these uniforms to reflect the region’s craft heritage:
“it would highlight for the young girls the beauty and power inherent to the craft, as well as provide a better sense of community, connection, and pride for their home.”