We live in a world where women are fighting for their rights to have a dignified life. But we can’t forget to celebrate those parents who stand by them to make sure the society’s negative voices don’t break the spirit of their young and deserving daughters.

One such deserving and inspiring father is Nishanth, who carries his daughter on his back and treks for about 1 KM to drop her at school. Living with Cerebral Palsy, Niya is a 7-year-old Class 1 student. But, her life is not as easy as other 7-year-olds.
From holding a toothbrush or a glass of milk to buttoning her shirt, every small activity is a struggle. This struggle to walk and talk is because of the restricted muscle movement because of Cerebral Palsy.
But, each morning brings the excitement to Niya’s life. It is the happiness that comes along with going to her school. She may struggle with her speech and movements, but her eagerness to meet friends and her favorite teacher is quite inspiring. While talking to TBI, the father shared his inspiring story:
“Since the terrain is very rocky and villagers are not financially well-off, they prefer walking even to cover long distances. My monthly income is very inconsistent but enough to arrange for three meals and medicines that Niya requires regularly.”
Nishanth left other menial jobs and started driving auto-rickshaw to take Niya to other places instead of confining her to the house. And, when the couple began looking for a school for their daughter, the nearest one was about 5 KM away. But this inspiring father didn’t care about the distance as long as his daughter was getting a better chance at life.
Nishanth carries Niya on his back and walks for a kilometer till the rickshaw, that is parked where the road begins. After dropping her off to school, he rides his auto in the neighborhood in search of passengers who are rare to come by in this remote area. Once he picks Niya up, they ride back home. But, his day doesn’t end there as Nishanth treks back one kilometer and rides his rickshaw till 6 in the evening.
Even PV Sindhu’s success journey wouldn’t have been possible without the support of her father PV Ramana. His unconditional support gave PV Sindhu the conviction that she can get whatever she sets her eyes on. From waking up every day at 3 AM to taking Sindhu for training for almost 12 years, dropping and picking her up from Gopichand’s Academy, driving 60-kilometer twice a day is quite inspirational. Read PV Sindhu’s father unparalleled contribution here.
At I FOR HER, we salute every parent who tries relentlessly to give their kid a better life – a life full of health, happiness, and hope. More power to them!
If you would like to help Niya get better and qualitative healthcare, you can make donations to the following bank account:
M/S Niya Nishanth Sahaya Nidhi
Kerala Gramin Bank (Branch: Neendunokki)
Account Number: 40489101033740
IFSC: KLGB0040489