As many of us admire Virat Kohli’s sportsmanship and his determination towards his game and his life, there is a very special message that he shared recently on Twitter. It is a must-read not only for parents but also for the kids of today’s generation.
On his 31st birthday, Virat Kohli looked back on his life and wrote a special note to his younger self. In this beautiful and heart-touching post, he tried to explain some critical lessons to a younger Kohli, which we feel are equally important for many young kids who are trying to reach for their dreams – to be a scientist, to be a doctor or to be a player.
He shared the tweet with the caption –
“My journey and life’s lessons explained to a 15-year old me. Well, I tried my best writing this down. Do give it a read.”
Don’t Worry About Future
Unlike many parents and young kids who worry too much about the future, Virat tells his younger self not to worry about the future too much. He started his beautiful heart-touching post with:
“First of all, a very happy birthday! I am sure you have a lot of questions for me about your future. I am sorry but I am not going to answer too many of them. Because not knowing what’s in store makes every surprise sweet, every challenge thrilling and every disappointment an opportunity to learn.
You don’t realize it today but it’s more about the journey than the destination. And the journey is SUPER!
What I will tell you is that life has big things in store for you Virat. But you need to be ready for each and every opportunity that comes your way. Grab it when it comes. And never take what you have for granted.”
Failures Are Opportunities
In times, when not only parents but also kids are too obsessed with victories – be it competitions or exams, Virat told his younger self that failure is inevitable. He tells his 15-year-old self to never give up in face of failure:
“You will fail. Everyone does. Just promise yourself that you’ll never forget to rise. And, if at first you don’t try again.
You will be loved by many and will be disliked too. By some who won’t even know you. Don’t care about them. Keep believing in yourself.”
Love Isn’t About Expensive Gifts But About Feelings
While recalling a heart-touching childhood memory, he makes a very valid point about parents’ love that many of us in today’s world have forgotten:
“I know you’re thinking about those shoes dad did not gift you today. They mean nothing when compared to the hug he gave you this morning or the joke he cracked about your height. Cherish this.
I know he can seem strict at times. But that’s because he wants the best for you. You feel that our parents don’t understand us sometimes, but remember this – only our family loves us unconditionally. Love them back, respect them and spend all the time you can with them.
Tell Dad you love him. A lot. Tell him today. Tell him tomorrow. Tell him more often.”
Dream Big
Though many of us condition our kids to be realistic and to be part of the rat race, Virat tells his young self how not to stop dreaming big:
“Finally, just follow your heart, chase your dreams, be kind and show the world how dreaming big makes all the difference. Be You.”
You can read his full tweet here:
My journey and life’s lessons explained to a 15-year old me. Well, I tried my best writing this down. Do give it a read. ???? #NoteToSelf
— Virat Kohli (@imVkohli) November 5, 2019
At IFORHER, we wish Virat a very happy birthday and hope his message would inspire many kids and parents across the world to dream big, to live big and to achieve big!