Some stories leave you with a sense of inspiration and give you the courage to handle the toughest life circumstances. Here is one such extraordinary story of an ordinary woman. Her story reveals that we are not born heroes. Rather, a hero emerges from within us to fight our battles.
Sharing her inspiring story with HoB, she mentioned how after the sudden death of her young husband, she had no idea how to take care of her 3 kids. But she never gave up. With the support of her family, she took every day as a challenge and fought back like a true warrior.
If you are also struggling with any life battle, this story will leave you with immense courage and hope.

Here’s our brave woman’s story that shows how courage knows no gender:
“I was 46 when I lost Pravin. I had 3 kids to raise and had no idea how to do it alone. I had depended on him for every big ‘little’ thing like groceries, attending family functions, PTA meetings and even shopping– I’d never bought a dress without him!
After he passed, finances were tight– we lived on rent and lost our savings on his treatment. But I’d been an English teacher since I was 18 and had been trading in shares with my brother’s help before marriage, so I knew I’d figure it out.
I’d also grown up watching my mother handle everything after dad passed away.So I took it on as a challenge– everyday, I’d wake up at 5:30 AM, cook, clean, go to work, make dinner and wrap up by 11 PM. After, we’d talk or play cards– it was my favorite part of the day. And to keep up with my husband’s tradition, we’d go for dinner every Sunday.
Things got hard when my mom-in-law passed away from cancer. I didn’t know how I’d manage– the kids were barely 14 and my own mother was bedridden. But the kids stepped up– my daughter learnt to cook and my sons got part time jobs during vacations.
They didn’t earn much, but worked so hard– after their 10th boards, they began working full time alongside college. I remember once I was called to my son’s college because his attendance was low. They thought he was frittering around, so I told them, ‘He’s working to help me.’
Sometimes when I look back, I wish my kids didn’t have to take up responsibilities so young– but they did it all for me. And because of their support over time, my salary increased, my trading portfolio grew and I could save for their education and marriage.
My daughter was the first to get married, and I threw her a grand wedding– from me and Pravin. I missed him terribly that day. Soon after, my sons got married and we bought a house together. It was an incredible feeling– to finally have a place of our own.
With all my children happily settled, I retired at 61, and the same year, I became a grandmom– today I’m 75 with 5 grandkids who I spoil!
I’m still keeping busy– I got a library membership and read new books everyday, I spend time with my family; we watch KBC together and I always answer first!
My mother-in-law always said, ‘Celebrate life, not death’ – so I wake up each day wanting to celebrate the little things. Maybe a game of cards, a song on the radio, a pani puri. Jeena issi ka naam hai!”
At IForHer, we are in awe of this great warrior, whose story gave us the courage and hope to fight our demons.
We hope her story inspires you in the same way as it motivated us. She makes us wonder why the world calls women – the weaker sex? The way she gathered the strength to fight her battle against life circumstances reflects true courage.