Released in 2014, Happy New Year brought together the iconic pairing of Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone in a spectacular action-comedy heist filled with music, dance, and heart. Directed by Farah Khan, the movie took us on a ride with its vibrant characters, catchy songs, and funny moments. Let’s take a trip down memory lane and test your knowledge of this blockbuster.
1. Who directed the film "Happy New Year"?
2. What is Shah Rukh Khan's character's name in Happy New Year?
3. Who played the ultimate villain in the movie Happy New Year?
4. What is the name of Deepika Padukone’s character in Happy New Year?
5. Which actor portrays the role of Nandu Bhide in Happy New Year?
6. Which of the following is NOT a song from the Happy New Year soundtrack?
7. Where is the World Dance Championship held in the film?
8. Which actor plays the role of the hacker, Rohan?
9. What motivates Charlie to plan the heist?
10. Which dance competition is the team preparing for in Happy New Year?
Happy New Year Movie Quiz
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