Let’s celebrate Imran Khan’s birthday with a fun quiz. He gave us some great movies and amazing songs, but can you match each song to the right movie? From romantic hits to fun tracks, this quiz will test how well you know his films. Ready to get started?
1. Can you identify the movie that featured this song?

2. Guess the movie of Imran Khan based on the clip?

3. Can you identify the movie that featured this song?

4. Identify the movie of Imran Khan from this song:

5. Guess the correct movie of Imran Khan based on the clip?

6. Identify the movie of Imran Khan from this song:

7. Guess the Imran movie based on this clip:

8. Guess the movie name of Imran Khan based on the clip?

9. Identify the movie based on this clip:

10. Identify the movie name of Imran from this song:

Imran Khan Birthday Special: Can You Match His Iconic Songs To Correct Movies?
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