As Stree 2 is just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to revisit the film that started it all! Stree left an unforgettable mark on Bollywood with its unique blend of horror, humor, and memorable characters. But how much do you really remember about the original? Test your knowledge with our Stree Movie Quiz and find out if you’re ready to face the mysterious spirit once more!
Stree Quiz: Before Stree 2 Release, How Well Do You Remember The Original Iconic Movie?
1. Who directed the movie Stree?
2. Who plays the lead role of Vicky in Stree?
3. What is the name of the town where the story of Stree is set?
4. What phrase do the townspeople write on their walls to keep Stree away?
5. Who wrote the dialogues for Stree?
6. Which actor plays the role of Rudra in Stree?
7. What profession does Vicky, the protagonist, have in Stree?
8. Who composed the music for Stree?
9. Which of the following is not a song from Stree?
10. Which of these movies was released in the same year as Stree?
Stree Quiz
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