On the very same day, two years ago, the whole country was left in utter shock when the news of actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s sudden death surfaced. Sushant’s journey from a small town in Bihar to Bollywood is quite inspiring. In an industry, where outsiders struggle to get a break, Sushant managed to leave a mark in such a short span of time. With great performances like MS Dhoni: The Untold Story, Kai Po Che, and Chhichhore, Sushant Singh Rajput created his own fan base. And, even though he is not with us anymore, his fans remember and cherish his performances.
On his death anniversary, here are some really inspiring quotes by Sushant Singh Rajput to remind you what we lost.
1. “I am not lost. I am very much alive.” – Sushant Singh Rajput
2. “I am learning the importance of living in the moment.” – Sushant Singh Rajput
3. “The more I learn about things, I realize how wrong I was before.” – Sushant Singh Rajput
4. “The only strong opinion that I have about myself is that I don’t have any opinions.” – Sushant Singh Rajput
5. “I have been overshadowed for the first 25 years of my life when I was nobody to the world. But I was a superstar in my head.” – Sushant Singh Rajput
6. “My strength would be my honesty and my passion towards my work.” – Sushant Singh Rajput
7. “I’ve stopped taking myself seriously because now I understand how fickle my thoughts are.” – Sushant Singh Rajput
8. “No matter what you achieve, what you want to aspire to be, or how famous and powerful you become, the most important thing is whether you are excited about each and every moment of your life because of your work and the people around you.” – Sushant Singh Rajput
9. “Often the difference between what is miserable and that which is spectacular lies is the leap of our faith.” – Sushant Singh Rajput
10. The closest synonym of happiness is excitement, and you can generate it by doing something that you can’t completely comprehend. This understanding makes the process rich and exciting.” – Sushant Singh Rajput
11. We should never forget the inevitable, as we will lose everything eventually. So, why fret over any kind of security? The idea is to just fly and experience it all while it lasts.” – Sushant Singh Rajput
12. What keeps me going are my learnings, which I would rather call my ‘experience,’ and my urge to explore.” – Sushant Singh Rajput
13. If you spend time with your loved ones, you get the energy to do your job better.” – Sushant Singh Rajput
14. “For me, the opposite of happiness isn’t sadness but boredom. If you’re excited about doing something then you’re happy.” – Sushant Singh Rajput
15. “I saw birds and serpents, angels and demons swiftly moving hurricanes and a wonderfully chaotic butterfly. Those numerous symbols of being and then, some similar ways of seeing.” – Sushant Singh Rajput
16. Heroes I look up to and the Ones I detest are just different versions of me, in various context(s).” – Sushant Singh Rajput
17. Be kind, for everyone we meet is fighting a hard battle.” – Sushant Singh Rajput
18. “Passion’ is overrated, ‘presence’, underrated…” – Sushant Singh Rajput
19. “Whatever dream you have, be sure that it is going to happen and then forget about it. Then you have to come back to the present and be there 100 percent.” – Sushant Singh Rajput
20. Our strong tendency to tell others what is right is the cause of almost all our problems.” – Sushant Singh Rajput
Sushant Singh Rajput was an alumnus of the Delhi College of Engineering, who was actively involved in funding tech startups. It’s so unfortunate that we lost this talented actor at such a young age.
Rest In Peace Sushant. You will always be missed.