Dealing with narcissists can be challenging, especially when their self-centered behavior impacts your emotional well-being. To help you navigate these tricky interactions and protect yourself from harm, we’ve compiled a collection of insightful narcissist quotes. These quotes offer valuable perspectives and strategies to handle narcissists with grace and resilience.
Before you dive in, here’s an interesting tidbit: the term “narcissist” originates from Greek mythology. Narcissus was a character who fell in love with his own reflection, which eventually led to the term being used to describe excessive self-admiration.
Living with a Narcissist is not easy. We hope our quotes can provide you with the wisdom needed to maintain your peace and safeguard your self-worth while dealing with the narcissist in your life.
Narcissist Quotes That Uncover Their True Colors
“No one can throw a bigger tantrum than a narcissist who’s losing control of someone else’s mind.” Anonymous
“No, narcissists do not change. They even get worse as they age.”
“Narcissists don’t want to save their relationships; they want to save their reputations.”
“What are you to a narcissist? A bank, a punching bag, an ego prop. What you are not, and will never be, is a meaningful human being.”
“You don’t ‘leave’ a narcissist; you ‘escape’ a narcissist.”
“A narcissist chooses who to date by determining how useful that person will be to them.”
“The narcissist likes to play ‘forgive and forget,’ where you forgive and forget, and they keep on doing what they’re doing. Know when to stop playing.”
“Narcissists tell lies about you because they are afraid you will tell the truth about them.” Maria Consiglio
“A narcissist’s favorite manipulation tactic is to get you to believe that what you see and feel is not real.”
“Narcissists purposefully target people who have high levels of integrity.”
“Narcissistic people don’t want unconditional love; they want unconditional tolerance.”
“A narcissist will only pretend to change when you walk away. It’s a trick. Don’t go back.”
“If you confront the narcissist about their behavior, be prepared for rage and fake tears. They will never take accountability for their actions.”
“Narcissists have the cunning ability to dishonor you while claiming that they love you.”
“If you’re no longer in a relationship with the narcissist, you’ve won.”
“Narcissists will use their past trauma to justify their abusive behavior, but won’t do anything to change it.”
“The more you forgive and reconcile with a narcissist, the worse the abuse gets.”
“Trying to explain basic human decency to a grown adult person is a dead giveaway that you are dealing with a narcissist, a sociopath, or a psychopath.” Jill Wise
“I will heal. You’ll always be a narcissist.”
“How many narcissists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? None, they don’t use lightbulbs, they use gaslighting!” Anonymous
“Narcissistic people are always struggling with the fact that the world does not revolve around them.”
“Love doesn’t die a natural death. Love has to be killed, either by neglect or narcissism.”
“A narcissist’s criticism is their autobiography.”
“The narcissist will throw in your face all what they have done for you but never say one word of all what you have done for them.”
“Narcissists don’t have friends, they have supporters of their toxic behavior.”
“How starved you must have been that my heart became a meal for your ego.” Amanda Torroni
“Narcissists will destroy your life, erode your self-esteem, and do it so subtly that you end up feeling like you’re the one letting them down.”
“Nobody can be kinder than the narcissist while you react to life on his terms.” Elizabeth Bowen
“Narcissistic love is riding on the rollercoaster of disaster filled with a heart full of tears.” Sheree Griffin
“A narcissist doesn’t break your heart, they break your spirit. That’s why it takes so long to heal.”
“A narcissist will always make their behavior your fault.”
“A narcissist will leave their partner struggling in pain to go do something that makes them look like a hero to other people.”
“A narcissist will watch you struggle and then go help a stranger.”
“When you’re in a relationship with a narcissist, there is always a whole secret life going on behind your back.”
“You were fooled by a narcissist not because you were stupid but because you were kind, trusting, and forgiving to the wrong person.”
“Narcissistic men hate the women they can’t dominate.”
“Never defend yourself from a narcissist. They already know you’re right! They just want you to go crazy trying to prove it.”
“Only a man who doesn’t love himself, mistreats the woman who loves him.” R.H. Sin
“Nobody gets angrier than a narcissist being accused of something they actually did.”
“No one can throw a bigger tantrum than a narcissist who’s losing control of someone else’s mind.”
“He says he loves you but treats you like he hates you.” R.H. Sin
“You stabbed me a thousand times and then acted as if you were the one who was bleeding.”
“When narcissists ask “how do you feel” they are actually saying “I am not feeling good, and now listen to me.” Emma Xu